On the fifth day of Christmas Wolf Pack Theatre Company did give to TheatreBloom— five golden answers! Plus an addition seven more as the “12 Gifts of Wolf Pack…” interview series continues on and TheatreBloom sits down with actress Vashti Gray Sadjedy and finds out just what she wants for Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Greetings and thanks for your time, if you could give us just a quick introduction we’ll get underway with these dozen Christmas questions!
Vashti Gray Sadjedy
Vashti Gray Sadjedy: My name is Vashti Gray Sadjedy, and I am an actor/musician/teacher. I play the character of Pastor Charlotte, into whose church Ebenezer Scrooge wanders on Christmas Eve.
What is your favorite Christmas Story? Christmas Movie? Christmas Song?
Vashti: My favorite Christmas story is the original Christmas Story. The child of God born, not amid a bunch of pomp and circumstance, but in a stable. What an incredible lesson in humility and love. My favorite Christmas movie has to be A Charlie Brown Christmas. It’s just such a classic; from the music to the humor, to the message about the commercializing of Christmas. I finally got my six-year-old son into it this year; he loved it. The Peanuts Movie may have helped in that regard, though. My favorite Christmas song would be a tie between “Silent Night” and The Eagles’ version of “Please Come Home for Christmas.” Odd combination, I know.
What made you want to be involved with the Wolf Pack production of A Christmas Carol?
Vashti: The modernization of the story struck me as an interesting and unique twist, and the opportunity to benefit some fantastic community organizations sold me on it.
If you could give Scrooge one present for Christmas, what would you give him?
Vashti: I don’t think Scrooge would really benefit from anything tangible. I would probably invite him to my house to join in a nice Christmas dinner and to experience firsthand that sense of camaraderie that comes with being with family for the holidays.
What message to do you think this particular production of A Christmas Carol is sending?
Vashti: I think the message is one of awareness. There are so many people like the Cratchits who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in serious financial trouble. The show is a timely reminder to help those in need, not just at Christmas but all year long.
Do you believe in Christmas magic and miracles? Can you share one you’ve experienced?
Vashti: Last September I lost my mother to cancer. So for me, the magic of the holidays was largely missing. Experiencing that magic again this year is, for me, at least, is a bit of a Christmas miracle and I’m grateful for it.
What is the true meaning of Christmas for you?
Vashti: Love. Love of God and of each other.
What has been the most challenging thing for you with this production?
Vashti: I’ve typically been cast in a lot of comedic roles, so playing a more mature, serious character has been a nice stretch for me as an actor.
What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
Vashti: I love to go caroling.
If you could have just one present for Christmas what would it be?
Vashti: Health and happiness for myself and those I love. Anything else is just a bonus for me.
What’s your favorite Christmas food?
Vashti: I love sweets! So for me it’s cookies, cakes, pie; dessert is a beautiful thing.
Why should people come and see Wolf Pack’s A Christmas Carol?
Vashti: It’s heartwarming, there are some truly impressive performers, and from a technical standpoint there are moments that are absolutely breathtaking. It’s simply a great show.
A Christmas Carolplays through December 19, 2015 at Wolf Pack Theatre Company at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church— 5820 Riverdale Road in Riverdale, MD. For ticket reservations call 240-565-4144 or purchase them online.