With a voice, and a choice, and incentive to succeed, these kids are certainly going to get you what you need! In this case that’s Part 6 of the TheatreBloom exclusive interview series, “A Little More Homework.” Working our way through the cast of 13: The Musical at Third Wall Productions, we sit down with Chris Owens and talk about the show.
Hi Chris! If you’d tell us a little bit about yourself, we can get started.

Christopher Owens: I’m Christopher Owens and I play a few different characters. I play Simon, The Rabbi, and I’m also the understudy for Archie. I go to school at Deer Park Magnet Middle School. I’m an eighth grader and I’m 14. I just got over being 13.
What is it like being in a musical where you’re playing a character that is very close to your own age?
Christopher: It’s kind of cool because some of the things that are happening in this musical I’m going through or have just recently gone through.
What are some of the other theatre shows you’ve done?
Christopher: I’ve been in Seussical: The Musical, I played a jungle citizen at Reisterstown Theatre Project. I was also in The Santa Diaries with Liberty Showcase Theatre. I’ve done Motown: The Story and Big Bad where I played The Big Bad Wolf, and I was in Rapunzel: The Story too.
What is your favorite subject in school?
Christopher: My favorite subject in school is theatre. It helps that I’m in the theatre magnet program at my school. Theatre is just amazing. I started theatre when I was the age of seven. Being new characters and exploring who you can be is just really amazing and it’s a huge part of our culture.
What’s it like getting to play multiple characters in one show?
Christopher: It’s kind of hard because I have some scenes where I have to change really fast. But I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.
When you’re not at school or doing theatre what do you like to do with your free time?
Christopher: I like to read. I like Netflix. I like going outside and taking a jog. I’m also on the track time. I do long-distance and mid-distance running. Also, I like to dance.
The play talks about bullying. How do you feel about bullying?
Christopher: I feel like when you’re bullying someone you’re putting someone down because you’re being put down. This might be kind of like a reflection of what might be happening to someone in their home life. If you’re not being treated well you’re going to treat other people bad because that’s what you’re learning. Bullying is a bad thing, it’s something we really have to change.
The play also talks about labels. How do you feel about labels?
Christopher: I think labeling a person or a group of people doesn’t occur as much in high school as it does in middle school. At least I hope it doesn’t.
What has been the biggest challenge about being a part of this show for you?
Christopher: The lines!
Do you have a favorite song from the show?
Christopher: My favorite song is “13.” It starts off the show, it’s really big, and it’s going to draw the audience’s eyes. In a part of that song we do a lot of tricks, like gymnastic tricks.
Do you have a favorite scene in the show?
Christopher: My favorite scene would have to be “Terminal Illness.” I think that’s a really fun scene. When Evan is throwing shade at Archie, Archie throws shade right back! And I think that’s really funny.
What is it you are hoping people will learn from seeing this show?
Christopher: I think people will get an understanding of what it’s like to be 13 and what it’s like to go through what some of these kids go through. Middle school and high school isn’t easy.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Christopher: I want to be an actor and I also want to be a person who has a big business. Maybe I’ll start a theatre company.
What has being a part of this show taught you about yourself?
Christopher: This show has taught me to never second think myself and always put my best foot forward. It’s taught me to really bring out my potential.
Why do you want people to come and see you in this show?
Christopher: Because I love acting and I really want people to see me acting so that they can really see who Christopher is.
13: The Musical opens on May 13, 2016 and plays through May 22, 2016 with Third Wall Productions at the Episcopal Church of the Messiah— 5801 Hartford Road in Baltimore’s Hamilton neighborhood. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased by calling 443-838-4064 or purchasing them online.
To read Part 1 of “A Little More Homework” featuring Taylor Casalena, click here.
To read Part 2 of “A Little More Homework” featuring Jake Clark, click here.
To read Part 3 of “A Little More Homework” featuring Andi Rudai, click here.
To read Part 4 of “A Little More Homework” featuring Morgan Hewitt, click here.
To read Part 5 of “A Little More Homework” featuring Margaret Hamilton, click here.