A friend is a person who most of all cares about what you feel. And we’re making friends fast here with the cast of Third Wall Productions teenage ensemble of 13: The Musical. In the fourth installment of the TheatreBloom exclusive interview series, “A Little More Homework” we sit down with ensemble member Morgan Hewitt to discuss what it’s like being a part of the show.
Hi, Morgan! Thanks for sitting down with us! Wanna tell us a little bit about yourself and we’ll get started?

Morgan Hewitt: I’m Morgan Hewitt and I’m in the ensemble of 13: The Musical. I’ve decided my character’s name is Brittany. I go to Winter’s Mill High School and I’m 15. I’m in the 9th grade.
What is it like being in a show where you’re a little bit older than the kids that you’re playing?
Morgan: It’s interesting. You have to kind of keep an eye on the ones who are younger than you. You have to kind of be, you know, the role model for them.
Is it hard to remember what it was like being in middle school?
Morgan: No, it’s not that hard, it wasn’t that long ago.
Are the kids in this show like the kids from your middle school experience?
Morgan: Oh yeah they are. They definitely show it.
Have you done theatre before, Morgan?
Morgan: I have. I’ve been in two shows. I was in White Christmas and Santa’s Workshop. I was ensemble in White Christmas and I was the main character in Santa’s Workshop, I think her name was Happy-Go-Lucky the elf. They were both with Carroll Performing Arts.
What’s your favorite subject in school?
Morgan: I like Spanish. I’ve been doing it for like six years now. And I’m not fluent but I can speak it pretty good.
When you’re not at school or doing theatre, what do you like to do with your free time?
Morgan: I like to work on the farm that my grandparents own. I give the cows hay, I feed all the animals, sometimes I mow. I also like to play soccer and tennis with my friends.
What is your favorite song in this show?
Morgan: Favorite song? I’d have to “Brand New You.” There’s just a really cool beat to it and I love singing it.
Do yo have a favorite scene?
Morgan: Um…probably when Archie’s getting ready to go on his date with Kendra. I love that scene. It’s just a lot of Archie being hilarious and you get a really big laugh from it.
The show talks about bullying, how do you feel about bullying?
Morgan: I hate it. I was bullied when I was younger. I’m not bullied anymore, but it was really hard for me to get through elementary school. So I hate it.
The show also talks about labels. How do you feel about labels?
Morgan: I think they’re okay in some situations but in most situations they’re not the greatest.
What has been the biggest challenge for you in being a part of this show?
Morgan: Probably getting to know everybody and getting to know their strengths and weaknesses and getting to work with them. I’m teaching some of the choreography, so getting to know how to teach it to some of the younger kids has been pretty challenging. I’m helping Miss Mea (Choreographer Mea Holloway) with the choreography. I’m not the dance captain, Carly (actress Carly Victor, playing Cassie) is the dance captain. I’m helping out with the cheer part of the dancing because I’m a cheerleader in real life. I get to bring what I know from cheerleading to the show, so that’s a lot of fun. Also I decided Brittany, my character, is a cheerleader too.
What would you say doing this show has taught you about yourself?
Morgan: To open up more. I haven’t been really open to singing, but this has helped me be open about that.
What is it you think people will learn from seeing this show?
Morgan: Just because you see someone— like you see the outside of them and what they look like— don’t judge them just based on what they look like. You have to get to know them before you can judge.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Morgan: I want to go into the Air Force. My whole father’s side of the family has been in the military and I love flying, so…yeah. The Air Force!
Why do you want people to come and see you in the show?
Morgan: Well they don’t just get to see me, they get to see everybody! They get to see how hard we’ve all worked and how awesome we all are!
13: The Musical opens on May 13, 2016 and plays through May 22, 2016 with Third Wall Productions at the Episcopal Church of the Messiah— 5801 Hartford Road in Baltimore’s Hamilton neighborhood. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased by calling 443-838-4064 or purchasing them online.
To read Part 1 of “A Little More Homework” featuring Taylor Casalena, click here.
To read Part 2 of “A Little More Homework” featuring Jake Clark, click here.
To read Part 3 of “A Little More Homework” featuring Andi Rudai, click here.