And when you hear a dining room smash or up from the pantry there comes a loud crash.
Or down from the library there comes a loud ping from a vase that was commonly said to be Ming.
Then family will say: “Now which was which cat?” It wasn’t Mungojerrie (we saw him yesterday!) but rather Rumpleteazer! Meow. CRASH.

Thank you for giving us a moment of your time! If you could tell us who you are and who you are playing, that would be great!
Kristen Mitchell: My name is Kristen Mitchell and this here with me is Joey, my daughter, who is not in the show but she wishes she was. She knows all my cues and everything! She’s my own little study-buddy. And I’m playing Rumpleteazer.
Tell me about Rumpleteazer:
Kristen: Rumpleteazer and Mungojerrie are brother and sister and we just steal a lot of things. So it’s a lot of fun.
Why did you want to be a part of Cats?
Kristen: It’s honestly one of my favorite Broadway shows. And Bambi’s my mom. (Director Bambi Johnson.) And the last time she did it, I was pregnant with Joey, so I couldn’t be in the show. When this time rolled around, I thought— I am definitely going to be in that show. And here I am!
What does it mean to you be a Jellicle Cat?
Kristen: For me I think it’s a cat who gets to move and who gets to dance. I think it’s really cool because you get to dance in so many different types of dances in this show. We’re doing tap, we’re doing modern, we’re doing ballet. To me, that’s what I like about Cats.
We learn that all cats have three names. Rumpleteazer is your cat’s ‘more dignified name’ and while we can never know the ‘secret name’ that she calls herself, what do you think her ‘family daily use’ name is? What are the humans calling her every day?
Kristen: Oh my gosh…maybe Cat? They would just call her Cat. Or Catherine Cat.

Do you have any cats?
Kristen: I don’t, unfortunately. My husband is allergic. I did have cats growing up though.
Is the little furry gremlin that’s running here at rehearsal tonight wishing it was a cat, even though it’s really a dog, is that yours?
Kristen: Yes. That’s my dog. He was actually my one-year wedding anniversary gift. It was really cool when my husband brought him home and said “Happy Anniversary.” I’ve got one rule for the dog— he’s not allowed to sleep in the bed with us. And the very first night… he was in bed with us. He’s ten now. And he’s called Mo. He’s a Yorkie, he’s actually one of my mom’s— she bred him.
What has been your biggest takeaway from this experience so far?
Kristen: I really learn a lot from the cast. Every single person in this cast is really talented. I’m not a singer; I’m just a dancer. So to watch the whole musical side of it come together is one of my favorite parts because that’s not a talent of mine. I love watching and hearing them sing.
If you had to sum up the Cats experience in just one word, what would be the word you would choose?
Kristen: Difficult.
Cats plays September 16th 2022 through September 25th 2022 with Tidewater Players, in residence at the Cultural Center at The Havre de Grace Opera House— 121 N. Union Street in historic downtown Havre de Grace, MD. For tickets call the box office at 667-225-8433 or purchase them online.
Meet Rum Tum Tugger
Meet Carbucketty
Meet Jellylorum
Meet Coricopat
Meet Tantomile
Meet Griddlebone/Sillabub
Meet Cassandra
Meet Euterpeco
Meet Victoria
Meet Mungojerrie