Won’t you come home, Bill Bailey? Could it be that the 1902 song standard provided the ‘every day’ inspiration for T.S. Eliot when it came to naming this Jellicle Cat? Perhaps. Sometimes called Tumblebrutus (okay, on Broadway called Tumblebrutus, and in other countries sometimes called Smokkate!), this feisty young kitten is our next featured feline!

Thank you so much for giving us some of your time! Tell us who you are and who you play and we’ll get things going right away!
Ontel Alcalde: I’m Ontel Alcalde. I play Bill Bailey and I also play Ghengis.
A twofer! Tell me a little bit about Bill Bailey and Ghengis.
Ontel: Well, from what I gather, he doesn’t have huge roles but his roles are when he is present, he is noticed. So I like that about him. He’s not too far in the background but he’s also not too far up front. That suits me well as an individual. I don’t mind being in the spotlight but I also don’t mind being kind of hidden. It’s a good role.
Why did you want to be a part of Cats?
Ontel: I’ve always loved Cats. I’ve been into acting for most of my life. And that doesn’t just entail being on screen. I fell in love with being theatrical on stage. I’ve done a play before, years ago, and that was my first taste. And I knew that I liked it. I don’t mind all the cameras not being in my face. Interacting with all the other cast members, getting to make friends— it’s different from being on camera— so I really like all of that. And then my wife (Bambi Ontel) actually brought this production to my attention. She used to dance for Bambi Johnson and she said, “Bambi’s doing another show of Cats and she’s asked us if we would maybe want to come audition to be in in it.” And I said, “Why not? We’ll try.” We came out, we auditioned, and she took us in!
What does it mean to you to be a Jellicle Cat?
Ontel: Oh, that’s a tricky question. What does it mean to me to be Jellicle. Hmm. For me, I feel like it just means to play my role while being very supportive of those around me, of my fellow cats.
We learn that all cats have three names. Bill Bailey is your cat’s ‘more dignified name’ and while we can never know the ‘secret name’ that he calls himself, what do you think his ‘family daily use’ name is? What are the humans calling him every day?
Ontel: That’s a good one. I feel like his human name, if you will, would be Quirky. He doesn’t have a huge role but when he is on stage and when he has a part, he gets noticed His voice is distinguishable. So I think that would be a good human name for him.

Do you have cats?
Ontel: Yes, we have two cats at home.
Tell me about your two cats!
Ontel: Oh they are very spunky! They are Angel and Ninja. And their names suit them very well. Angel is always purring and under your hand. And Ninja disappears and you only see half of his face half the time. And he’s always stalking something. But they’re both fun. We have four kids so the cats get lots of loving. Four kids, two cats, and a dog!
What has been your big personal takeaway from this experience?
Ontel: To be dedicated. For me, that would sum it up in one word.
Well that just segues perfectly into the final question, which word do you use to sum up the Cats experience?
Ontel: Dedicated.
Cats plays September 16th 2022 through September 25th 2022 with Tidewater Players, in residence at the Cultural Center at The Havre de Grace Opera House— 121 N. Union Street in historic downtown Havre de Grace, MD. For tickets call the box office at 667-225-8433 or purchase them online.
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