Fancier but still sensible…a cat who sings about other cats…a cat who dances with other cats…can you guess which feline is featured today. Hiss!

Thank you for a few moments of your time! If you could tell us who you are and who you are playing, that would be just fine!
Erin McArthur: I’m Erin— there’s two of us— so I’m Erin McArthur. I play Demeter.
Tell me a little bit about Demeter.
Erin: So Demeter is a very skittish and impulsive cat. She’s very, very good friends with Bombalurina and she is very, very skeptical and fearful of Macavity.
Do you find that you are very like Demeter or perhaps very different from Demeter?
Erin: I’d say I’m a little bit like her. I’m always overthinking things so I feel like, at first, Demeter would be hesitant to trust— probably because she’s overthinking things. I’d definitely say we have that in common.
Why did you want to be a part of Cats?
Erin: I was with the original performance of Cats when Bambi did it six years ago, and I loved that. Even more so, when I was a little girl, I watched the original movie— 1998— and I would peak out from behind my furniture. I would pretend I was different cats. Victoria was my favorite when I was little girl. And then as I grew older, I was really, really drawn to ‘the Macavity cats’, those are the girls who sing “Macavity”. And those are Demeter and Bombalurina. I’ve also danced ever since I was little, so I was drawn to it for that reason too.
Now did you play Demeter in the last Bambi production six years ago?
Erin: I did! So this is double-Demeter.
We learn that all cats have three names. Demeter is your cat’s ‘more dignified name’ and while we can never know the ‘secret name’ that she calls herself, what do you think her ‘family daily use’ name is? What are the humans calling her every day?
Erin: Hmm. A human name they’d call Demeter…what did Lindsey say? (Lindsey McCumber, playing Bombalurina, Demeter’s best friend.)
Lindsey gave a name that was specifically fitted to Bombalurina. You’ll have to read her ‘feline feature’ to find out.
Erin: This is so tough! My brain is mush. I’m sorry. Let me think on it.
That’s okay. Do you have cats?

Erin: I don’t. I did used to have one when I was little.
Do you wish you had cats now?
Erin: Umm….no…but I have a dog!
Tell me about your dog.
Erin: This is Ollivander McArthur or Ollie. We are big Harry Potter fans as you can tell! Unlike Demeter, he is loving and trusting of everyone and wants you to pet and play with him, although he does still act as our protector, alerting us to any disturbances he deems worthy.
What has been your biggest takeaway, getting to do this show with Bambi again?
Erin: She’s just magic. And she creates magic. No matter how big or small the space is, it will always be 100% guaranteed to be an immersive experience.
What does it mean to you to be a Jellicle Cat?
Erin: Does anyone really know? It means whatever you deem it to mean.
Any more thoughts on that ‘every day/human name’ for Demeter?
Erin: I think so. After thinking about it a bit more, Demeter probably wouldn’t have any ‘human’ cat name other than “here kitty” because there is no way she would be owned as a pet. If you happened to catch a glimpse of her in the ally, that is all you would be able to get out before she ran and hid.
If you had to sum up your entire experience with Cats in just one word, what word would you choose?
Erin: Iconic.
Cats plays September 16th 2022 through September 25th 2022 with Tidewater Players, in residence at the Cultural Center at The Havre de Grace Opera House— 121 N. Union Street in historic downtown Havre de Grace, MD. For tickets call the box office at 667-225-8433 or purchase them online.
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