But when the day’s hustle and bustle is done…then the Gumbie Cat’s work is but hardly begun! Are you ready to meet our resident Gumbie Cat? Meeow!

Thank you for giving us a moment of your time! Could you tell us who you are and who you’re playing in this production?
Amy Tucker: I’m Amy Tucker and I play Jennyanydots.
Ooh. Do tell about Miss Jennyanydots!
Amy: So Jennyanydots is also known as the Gumbie Cat. She is known for sitting, being quiet, and hanging out all day. But she gets into worlds of mischief at night while keeping the house in order and making sure that all of the chaos in the house is taken care of.
Can you relate to being a Jennyanydots type?
Amy: Absolutely. I love to just hang out, sitting with my own cats to relax, but then of course I also love to go out and have fun.

So you do have cats! Do tell us about your cats.
Amy: I have two cats. I have a Stormy cat. And I have a Ravioli cat. Stormy is 13 and Ravioli is— we think about a year and a half? Ravioli is very new to our household. Stormy…well, he’s keeping Ravioli in line whenever she becomes a problem. She is pretty but not smart, that’s what we say all the time. She’s a joy and a pleasure. She recently discovered that I play the violin and likes to sing along. They are a big joy in my life. We called Stormy ‘Jellicle Cat’ the last time we did the show because he loves to jump up on the railings and walk the railings and back of chairs. And now Ravioli does the same thing!
What does it mean to you to be a Jellicle Cat?
Amy: It just means to be a cat that is who they are. Every cat is different and every cat enjoys their life in a different way and every cat is a Jellicle Cat to me.

What was the big draw to be a part of Cats this time around? Did you do it the last time Bambi put it up, six years ago?
Amy: Yes I was in the show last time and I loved it. I was in the ensemble, I played Victor. It’s one of my all-time favorite shows. I had the show on VHS growing up and watched it all the time. I watched it growing up, it’s one of my most favorite shows of all time, I’ve seen it on Broadway, I’ve seen it on tour many times, and I am a Cats person but I also love Webber’s (composer/creator Andrew Lloyd Webber) music, and I love to sing his music. It’s a true soprano part, which is rare, and that’s what I sing, so it’s the perfect mix of things. I love to dance, I love to sing, I love working with Bambi. Anytime Bambi does I show and I can be there, I will show up to be in a Bambi show. This is the perfect storm of things for me.
In my nearly dozen years of reviewing theatre and interviewing theatre artists of all types I have never heard one single person more critically acclaimed by those that have worked for them than Bambi Johnson. I can honestly say I’ve never heard more people say, “If Bambi is doing that show…” –whatever that show happens to be— “…I’ll be there.” It’s astonishing, really. She is a gift to the theatre world beyond measure.
Amy: There are many shows that I don’t enjoy, that I didn’t audition for, but that I did go to see because they were Bambi shows. And when I see them— I still don’t like the show itself— but I love the performance, I love the magic she brings, and I only end up loving it because it’s a Bambi show. It’s a joy and she always makes everybody feel seen and wanted and important. It makes me feel very happy to get to work with her again.
We learn that all cats have three names. Jennyanydots is your cat’s ‘more dignified name’ and while we can never know the ‘secret name’ that she calls herself, what do you think her ‘family daily use’ name is? What are the humans calling her every day?
Amy: I haven’t thought about that. That one is tough. Jennyanydots’ secret name…I think she’s secretly called Chaser. It fits her personality!
What has been your biggest personal takeaway from this Cats experience?
Amy: Doing it a second time is very different. There are some people I have worked with before and that’s great; there are a lot of new people, new faces too. It just reminds me how much I love to dance. It creates new challenges, new things to do, and I love theatre. I’m glad to be back doing it again.
If you had to sum up the Cats experience in just one word, what is the word that you would use?
Amy: Magical.
Cats plays September 16th 2022 through September 25th 2022 with Tidewater Players, in residence at the Cultural Center at The Havre de Grace Opera House— 121 N. Union Street in historic downtown Havre de Grace, MD. For tickets call the box office at 667-225-8433 or purchase them online.
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