Continuing on in the Colorful Conversations with the Cast* of Clue, opening quite soon with Stand Up For… Theatre at DoodleHATCH, we meet a few more… how shall I say… suspects!? Are you keeping track? Mr. Who? In the Where? With the WHAT!?
You there! Yes, you! Come, sit, chat. Tell us who you are and who you are playing in this production of Clue.

Fela Langston: I’m Fela Langston. I play Miss Scarlet.
Is this your first production of Stand Up For…Theatre?
Fela: This is my second. My first production was 9 To 5. I try to do theatre a few times a year.
Why did you want to be involved with Clue?
Fela: Ed (Director Ed Higgins) had reached out to me. I wasn’t planning on doing a show around this time of the year, really not any time during this year at all because I’m getting married at the end of the year. But I was really excited when he offered me the role of Miss Scarlet. It’s a very different role for me. For one, I don’t usually get speaking roles; I’m a singer. The roles I tend to get, if there’s any speaking, it’s very minimal. And I never really get sexy roles either. When I did Rent, I was Mark’s mother. I made her a very fun character, but playing sexy roles has not been my experience. So I was very excited because this will be a new challenge for me.
How are you and Miss Scarlet similar and different?
Fela: Well, Miss Scarlet is the madam of a brothel. I am definitely not the madam of a brothel. She’s also a very classy woman at the same time. In my personal life, I’m very timid and I’m not very out-there like she is, so that is very different for me.
Now, if you had to pick a color that isn’t currently part of the standard six colors featured in “Clue” and bring them as an entity into the game, what would you pick and who would they become?
Fela: I think Blue. And she’s going to be a very mysterious woman. Like a deep, dark blue. Maybe a midnight color. Miss Midnight.
What’s your favorite room in the house?
Fela: We spend a lot of time in the Study, so probably at the Study. Also, in looking at the house, I feel like that room has the most character, just with the different types of furniture that are in there.
What’s your favorite murder weapon?
Fela: Well Miss Scarlet’s is— I’m not going to tell you that. But mine personally is the rope because Mrs. White thinks the rope is a snake at first.
Okay… so for those keeping track, it might be Miss Scarlet, in the study, with the rope!
Fela: I’ll never tell!
Did you play the boardgame “Clue” when you were a child?
Fela: I don’t think we played it a lot. But I do remember playing it. I had a lot of boardgames.
Why do you want people to come out and see Clue?
Fela: We’ve worked really, really hard on it. And it’s really funny. There’s a lot of dry humor. If you like that kind of thing, it’s definitely the show for you.
If you had to sum up your experience with Clue in just one word, what word would you choose?
Fela: Uncanny.
Most excellent. Thank you for your time, Fela. I look forward to seeing you as Miss Scarlet! Now, who’s up next? You? Who are you and who are you playing in this production?

Alecha Laurence: My name is Alecha Laurence and I play Yvette. She’s the sexy, French maid. Wait— the sexy, loyal, French Maid.
Why did you want to come along and be a part of Clue?
Alecha: Just being a part of the cast has been great. When I was in Rocky Horror it was very interesting, I love the energy that I got from that experience. And I always wanted to do this growing up. It’s been a passion of mine that I pretty much did for fun as a child and I’m having fun doing it now.
How are you and Yvette, the loyal, sexy French Maid similar and different?
Alecha: Similar? I’m loyal. I am not a maid but I am sexy. I am very unique and versatile. I can change, like a chameleon. So there are some secrets that I cannot share about Yvette. And I guess that’s the actual difference between her and myself. She’s got some secrets with Miss Scarlet and she’s very discreet. I’m not discreet. And I guess I’m not that loyal. How Yvette ended up in that situation…ending up as a French Maid… I don’t think I’d have the loyalty for the reasons that she is loyal to Miss Scarlett.
Had you played the boardgame “Clue” before? Were you any good at it?
Alecha: I have but it’s been over ten years and I wasn’t necessarily good at it. It’s like Monopoly, the game always took too long, and you always had to put a lot of time and energy into playing it. So we didn’t play it a whole lot.
Now, if you had to pick a color that isn’t currently part of the standard six colors featured in “Clue” and bring them as an entity into the game, what would you pick and who would they become?
Alecha: Pick a color and bring them as an entity. That’s a wild question. I think I want Violet. And I think I want them to be a non-binary entity. They work both ways. They are a non-binary Mx Violet. Violet is a very neutral color and Violet in the game would be very neutral, sort of there, observing everything quietly.
I really like that. What’s your favorite room in the house?
Alecha: Ze Billiards Room. Which must be pronounced in the heavy French accent. Because I— Yvette— has learned a lot of information in there. Unexpectedly. I just happen to be there. I can’t be too involved with the scenes. I’m just the maid…but I am there. Making sure everyone has champagne.
What’s your favorite murder weapon?
Alecha: I’m going to say the candlestick. I’m not really sure why. The candlestick is just calling out to me. It makes you think because you’d have to hit someone really hard to kill them with a candlestick. I’m very intrigued by that.
It could definitely possibly maybe be Yvette the loyal, sexy French Maid, in the billiards room, with the candlestick. Or not.
Alecha: You’ll have to come to the show to see!
Why do you want people to come out and see Clue?
Alecha: Because it’s really fun. I feel like the cast is amazing. The show itself, especially as we’re acting it out like it’s on the actual gameboard, is very different. It’s a collaboration with the movie, with the gameboard, and here we are, moving around like game pieces. It’s entertaining. And the cast, can’t say it enough, is amazing, and once we get everything together, I think it’s going to be really great and that people are really going to enjoy it.
If you had to sum up your experience with Clue in just one word, what word would you choose?
Alecha: Unique.
Brilliant. Thank you so much. Who else do we have? Ooh— you there in the lovely peacock-looking dress! I’ll bet I know who you are! Come, join the colorful conversations!

Anne Hull: My name is Anne Hull and yes, like my dress, I play Mrs. Peacock.
Why did you want to come out and be a part of Clue?
Anne: Ed asked.
I’m hearing a lot of that! Did he just start ringing people up saying, “Hey, I need a…”
Anne: It wasn’t even a “hey, I need a…” it was a, “Hey, would you like to be…?” and I said, “Oh yes! Excellent!”
Well that is excellent. Now you’ve worked with Stand Up For…Theatre before, yes?
Anne: Yes. I’ve done one other show with them but I’ve known Ed and Grant (producer Grant Myers) for over ten years.
How are you and Mrs. Peacock similar and different?
Anne: There are those that would say there is no difference. However, I think there are some differences. I try to channel my idea of an over-the-top politician’s wife who is so full of herself that the universe just revolves around her.
Now, if you had to pick a color that isn’t currently part of the standard six colors featured in “Clue” and bring them as an entity into the game, what would you pick and who would they become?
Anne: Hmm. I’m trying to figure out a color. But that would be pink, I suppose. Because that’s not in there.
What shade of pink are we talking here? Pastel pink?
Anne: Oh heavens no! Something electric and popping. And it’ll bring in a warmth. But not maternal. Youthful pink, teenage pink. But not angry— dare I say— virginal pink. Barbie pink? A young, teenage virginal, bright, energetic, Miss Pink.
Alrighty then. What is your favorite room in the house?
Anne: My favorite room in the house is between—
Wait— you have more than one!?
Anne: Oh yes. I have three! I really like the study, because there’s so much that happens there. It’s really a very important room so that’s one of my favorites. And I love the kitchen. But the dining room is so elegant and that fits with Mrs. Peacock. She likes a well-placed table.
What’s your favorite murder weapon?
Anne: I do believe my favorite murder weapon is the candlestick.
Let me see if I got all of this down… Mrs. Peacock, in the study or the kitchen or the dining room— someplace— with the candlestick.
Anne: Maybe!
Were you familiar with the movie? Have you played the boardgame before?
Anne: Yes to both of those. I haven’t played the boardgame in years but I remember being okay at it.
Why do you want people to come out and see Clue?
Anne: Because it’s such a fun piece of chaos! And comedy! It’s a fun piece of comedy and chaos!
If you had to sum up your experience with Clue in just one word, what word would you choose?
Anne: Oh it’s a blast!
Clue plays February 24th 2023 through March 5th 2023 with Stand Up For…Theatre in their new home at DoodleHATCH— 8775 Cloudleap Court in Columbia, MD. Tickets are available for purchase at the door or in advance online.
To read the first part of Colorful Conversations with the Cast of Clue featuring Colonel Mustard, Mister Green, and Professor Plum, click here.
*not all cast members were available at the time of interview.