Do you have your tickets to The Prom? If you’ve been following along so far we’ve had four members of the ‘teen’ group tell us all about what’s so special and why you should come! Here’s a couple more for your consideration!
Thanks for joining the conversation and sitting down to chat with us— tell us who you are and who you’re playing?

Tristin Goodenough: I’m Tristin Goodenough and I’m part of the teen ensemble.
Why did you want to come out and be a part of The Prom?
Tristin: Well I recently got back into theatre, I was just a part of A Bronx Tale at Dundalk Community Theatre, and I thought it would be fun to come out and dance and they needed some extra dancing people so I thought why not?
Why do you think The Prom is an important show for people to see?
Tristin: It talks about Emma’s story and brings to light that there are still people out there who don’t accept LGBTQ+ people in their lives. It’s really a touching and sweet story.
Are you out of high school now?
Tristin: Yes. I’m in college.
Did you go to your high school prom? Do you remember it?
Tristin: I did. And yes. We went to the B&O Railroad Museum so I got to hang out on a train during prom. There was no theme it was just there— at the railroad museum.
That’s wild! What was your prom dress like?
Tristin: For that one I was wearing a purple dress, like Megara from Hercules vibe.
That sounds beautiful…but you said ‘that one’ like there were multiple proms?
Tristin: Oh yeah, we had two. That was my junior prom. And then for my senior prom we were at— some museum on Charles Street. Not The Walters but some other really big property. It was like a stable. And I wore a green, backless dress to that one.
Now have you picked out a dress for your teen ensemble character for this prom?
Tristin: I have one possibly picked out. We have to see if it works. It’s short, covered in sequins, and it’s blue.
If you had to pick a perfect prom theme, what theme would you do?
Tristin: I think it would be cool to do ‘Old Glam’ because we didn’t do prom themes for my school. Like Hollywood 1940’s glam.
Why do you want people to come see The Prom?
Tristin: It’s going to be great. There’s a lot of good dancing, a lot of good singing numbers and it’s just a lot of fun.
You said were part of the teen ensemble. Are you part of the ‘accepting’ teen ensemble? Or the bullying teen ensemble?
Tristin: Half and half! The majority of show I spend being a bullying teen and then at the end of the show I become an accepting teen.
Is your high school experience personally similar or different to the one that you’re having here at The Prom?
Tristin: Different! I went to Friends School, so it was really accepting, very inclusive, and obviously this is not that.
If you had to sum up your experience with The Prom here at Tidewater Players, which word would you use?
Tristin: Dynamic.
Excellent! Thank you so much! Alrighty, let’s see…how about Brigid? Let’s have you next, please!

Brigid Phelan: I’m Brigid Phelan and I’m a member of the ensemble.
Why did you want to come and be a part of The Prom?
Brigid: I knew a lot of people who were doing the show and also my mom (Meghan Phelan) was doing the show so I thought that it was pretty cool that she was also in it. I’m not the only one whose mom is in the show.
I know I think there’s about three of you and that is really cool! Why do you think The Prom is an important show for Tidewater Players to be doing right now?
Brigid: Because it sends a good message to people. It’s an important message, making it an important show for people to see and it’s equally important of a show to be a part of because of that message.
Absolutely. Now are you out of high school, still in high school?
Brigid: I’m in eighth grade so I’m not in high school yet.
So you definitely have never been to the prom?
Brigid: No. I’ve been to a couple of dances but not to a prom.
Do you have dreams or plans of going to a prom?
Brigid: I think I would like to go to the prom if we have one when I get to be that age.
What kind of dress do you think you would like to wear to your prom someday?
Brigid: I have no idea.
Does your teen ensemble character have a dress for this prom yet?
Brigid: No. I have one that I’m going to wear for the second prom in the show, though. It’s silver.
If you had to pick your perfect prom theme, what would you pick?
Brigid: I think fantasy stuff would be really cool.
That sounds amazing. Why do you want people to come and see The Prom?
Brigid: That it’s important to be nice to people. And it’s a good show to be a part of, whether you’re in it or watching it.
Do you think high school is going to be like high school experience that you’ve had here with The Prom?
Brigid: I hope not! I start high school in September, so we’ll see!
If you had to sum up your experience with The Prom here at Tidewater Players in just one word, what word would you use?
Brigid: It’s been really fun.
The Prom plays through March 6 2023 with Tidewater Players, in residence at the Cultural Center at The Havre de Grace Opera House— 121 N. Union Street in historic downtown Havre de Grace, MD. For tickets call the box office at 667-225-8433 or purchase them online.
To check out The Prom with Abigail and Aaron, click here!
To check out The Prom with Maggie and Zach, click here!