Who’s ready to add some Zazz to their Prom? Two more ‘teens’ from the area premiere of The Prom here to chat with us about their prom experiences!
Thanks for sitting down with us, why don’t you tell us who you are and who you play?
Maggie Donahue: I’m Maggie Donahue and I play Shelby.

Tell me a little bit about Shelby.
Maggie: Shelby is a cheerleader. She’s best friends with Kaylee (played by Abigail Standish) and she’s one of the main bullies of Emma but I’d like to say that she comes around faster than Kaylee does. And honestly? I love playing her because she’s just so opposite of who I am. I love portraying someone who is so different from me.
That’s a perfect segue into my next question: how are you and Shelby similar and different?
Maggie: I want to say that we’re mainly different. Largely because she’s homophobic and I’m bisexual. It’s almost funny and satirical to be playing someone who is bullying someone for something that deep down inside is what I am. The ways that we’re similar, I guess, we’re both always backing up our friends. Shelby is always backing up Kaylee and I have friends that I 100% back up. So we’ve got that in common.
Why did you want to come and be a part of The Prom?
Maggie: Well my mom (Colleen Donahue) is in the show with me and that’s pretty cool. I’m going to college next year, and my mom wanted to do one more show with me before I go.
That’s adorable. Other than wanting to get one more show in with your mom before you head off to college, why did you want to come and be a part of The Prom?
Maggie: I think it’s really important, especially in this day and age, that it’s okay to be gay. With everything happening all around the world, it just needs to be normalized. We shouldn’t still be fighting about whether or not it’s legal to be gay. That’s just insane that that’s even up for discussion. I really wanted to spread the message of equality and acceptance and I think this show does a really good job of doing that.
That’s amazing! Now, you mentioned you’re going off to college. I’m hoping that means that you’ve been to prom?
Maggie: I did go to prom last year. And oh my goodness! I was definitely one of the younger people there. It was very fun. A lot of dresses. A lot of very expensive dresses. And there was gambling! We had a poker theme. I mean you couldn’t win money… but it was still really fun. There was a lot of dancing and blending of friend groups.
That sounds really fun. Did you wear a dress to the prom?
Maggie: I did wear a dress. It was very long and very silvery. It was glittery all over and on the dance floor I was going so hard that it just— ripped. Right in the chest area. I had to wear my friend’s jacket the rest of the night because…well… wardrobe malfunction! I remember starting a mosh-pit during the slow songs and annoying all the couples. It was a very fun night for me.
See now I’m having prom envy! What is the prom dress that Shelby gets to wear to prom in this show?
Maggie: As of my knowledge, I will be wearing a light green or jade green dress. Me and Zach (Zach Dodson, playing Kevin) are going to match colors. It is very sparkly and has a low back!
If you had to pick your perfect prom theme, what would you pick?
Maggie: Oh my gosh— FAIRYTALE! But that’s just off the top of my head. Ooh— maybe MET Gala? I’m all for Hollywood glam. I think it’s so fun.
If you throw a MET-Gala-themed prom you are going to get some fun… not sure how glamourous it’s going to be…
Maggie: Oh yeah, maybe a couple of Meat Dresses. Maybe someone will show up wearing Cats.
Oh that would be me. I have six. Though if I tried to wear those six to your MET-Gala-themed prom, all I’d end up wearing would be scratches and blood. Though that would still be on brand for a MET-Gala look. I think.
Maggie: Oh totally!
Why do you want people to come out and see The Prom?
Maggie: It’s just such a fun show and there’s so much talent in the cast. I just know that Tyler (in the role of Trent Oliver, Tyler Zeisloft) is a phenomenal singer. Seeing everyone work together and the friendships that we’ve built on stage— seeing that portrayed on the stage, even though the characters hate each other— it’s electric! It’s just so fun. I’m really, really excited— and I love the show. I think it’s great.
If you had to sum up your experience with The Prom here at Tidewater Players in just one word, which word do you use?
Maggie: Friendship. I rekindled a lot of friendships with past cast mates, working with Tigga (Choreographer Tigga Smaller) again, which I haven’t done since SpongeBob was awesome. And just seeing people again in general was great. Or like Abbey (Abigail Standish) I went to elementary school with her and haven’t seen her since so it was really great to get to see her again. And then Aaron (Aaron Oh) is one of my close friends too now. So friendship is the word for sure!
That’s awesome; I love it! Thank you, Maggie. Let’s see if we can get— Zach? Let’s get Zach over here. Hey there, Zach! Thanks for sitting with us today!

Zach Dodson: I’m Zachary Dodson and I play Kevin.
Great! Tell me a little bit about Kevin.
Zach: Kevin is a teen at the school, he’s involved in sports, he’s just the popular jerk-jock.
Got it! How are you and Kevin similar and how are you and Kevin different?
Zach: I’m not sure how we’re similar because in high school I was involved in theatre and music, no sports at all. But we are pretty different. Because he’s a bully character and I don’t think I’m a bully.
Why did you want to come out to be a part of The Prom?
Zach: I was told by one of the directors about the opportunity. I hadn’t really done any acting since high school, but I thought about it for a while, and then I said, “screw it, I’ll just do it. I’ll go out and see what happens.”
Why do you think The Prom is an important show for people to be seeing?
Zach: It definitely deals with an issue that is still pretty prevalent here in America. But it also puts it in a humorous tone. The show makes fun of both sides of the issue. With the acceptance song? It’s just so over-the-top and gaudy. But I think because of that, even if there are people who are seeing this show that are opposed to the topics tackled they might still take something away from it because it’s not being presented too seriously.
I like that take on it. Now you said you haven’t performed since high school, so I assume that means you’re out of high school.
Zach: I teach…I’m 25. So I’m out of high school for sure.
Very good. Did you go to prom when you were in high school?
Zach: My senior year I did. It wasn’t anything too flashy. I went with a group of friends. It was the band and theatre nerds, we were all jamming out in the corner, while everyone else was doing normal high school prom dances, which just aren’t as fun.
Do you remember what you wore to the prom?
Zach: I do. Because I still have it. It wasn’t anything magical. It was tux pants and tux jacket but it was a gold vest and my friend wore a blue vest. Gold and blue were our school colors.
Way to represent! Now, have they told you what your character Kevin is going to be wearing to the prom?
Zach: I don’t have anything specific yet, but I know I’m trying to match with Shelby’s outfit, so I know it’s going to be some shade of light green or bright green. Some kind of green.
Sounds good. If you had to pick your perfect theme for a prom, what theme would you pick?
Zach: I don’t even remember what theme mine was. But I think I’d want something low-key like under-the-stars with cool lighting. I think we had Thanksgiving dinner food and I don’t remember any of the decorations…maybe that’s because there wasn’t much.
Why do you want people to come and see The Prom at Tidewater Players?
Zach: Havre de Grace is a great small town, there’s a lot going on. It’s a cool way to see what’s going on here. It’s a very fun show. I did not know about it or had ever seen the show before I got involved here. Then I watched the movie version on Netflix, and the movie…has some issues, but it’s still absolutely hilarious. This show is well worth anyone coming to see it.
If you had to sum up your experience with The Prom here at Tidewater Players in just one word, which word would you use?
Zach: Rejuvenating. Having not done theatre since high school I was feeling a little anxious, but it’s just like high school again!
The Prom plays through March 6 2023 with Tidewater Players, in residence at the Cultural Center at The Havre de Grace Opera House— 121 N. Union Street in historic downtown Havre de Grace, MD. For tickets call the box office at 667-225-8433 or purchase them online.
To check out The Prom with Abigail and Aaron, click here!