Meow? I’ll bet you a pound of catnip we’re about to meet another cat. I win. Don’t worry, it won’t go very far with my six at home, but hey, catnip is catnip. Maybe they’ll finally tell me their super secretive names. In the meantime, you go meet this amazing cat.

Aaron Knight as Alonzo in Cats at Cockpit in Court
Aaron Knight as Alonzo in Cats at Cockpit in Court

Thank you for joining us! Please tell us who you are and who you play in Cats.

Aaron Knight: I’m Aaron Knight. And it’s Knight with a K, like the shining armor kind. And I play Alonzo.

Fun! Tell me a bit about Alonzo.

Aaron: He definitely likes to get around. He’s a bit of a flirtatious cat. I like to see that he’s very full of himself and tries to hold a very poised, strict demeanor. He always wants to give off a good impression.

Now how are you and Alonzo similar and or different?

Aaron: I think Alonzo and I are similar in the fact that I like going out. We’re similar in that sense, we both like to have a little bit of fun. I think he’s a lot bolder than I am. That would be a stark difference. I try to be a bit more refined and tactful and I feel like Alonzo is just throwing himself out there.

Got it. Why did you want to come out and audition to be a part of Cats?

Aaron: I hadn’t planned to do it. I haven’t actually done a show since last summer, but one of my very good friends, Katelynn O’Conner, who is in this show as Exotica, said that I should audition for Cats. I’ve always been a fan of dancing shows. And Cats is a great show for that, so I figured I would come out and do it. I’ve worked with Bambi for over a decade, she’s one of my favorite people to work with. I did one of my very first shows with Bambi.

Which was what?

Aaron: It was in 2012 or somewhere around there, I did Babes in Toyland with her at PFT.

That’s wonderful! What is it like getting to work with Bambi this time around?

Aaron: It’s so great. I’ve worked with her throughout so many ages as I was growing up. She’s wonderful to work with. She treats us like real people. I can tell that she loves all of us. She’s so easy to work with and everything that she puts out is just immaculate. She’s one of my favorite directors to work with.

You said you’re a dancer?

Aaron: Somewhat. I came a bit late to dancing; I didn’t get into it until I was a teenager. But I really fell in love with it. I just enjoy dancing as much as I can.  

What does it mean to you to be a Jellicle Cat?

Aaron: I always think it means to be a little bit silly, that’s the word I’ve been using. I think they’re very fun-loving cats. It’s kind of in a way we’re like a gang or a fraternity or maybe a club. We all have each other’s backs, we’re all good friends with each other, there might be some tension between one another but it comes from good spirits. And I think it’s just that form of living in fun together that makes you Jellicle.

Dudley. A sophisticated floof who works a day job and also nightshifts.
Dudley. A sophisticated floof who works a day job and also nightshifts.

I love that. Do you have cats at home?

Aaron: I do. I have one cat. His name is Dudley. He is very reclusive himself. I say he has a day job. I don’t know what he does, but he goes out all day, I have no idea where or what he does, but he comes back and he eats. And I guess he works nightshifts too because he likes to be out at night too. He’s very regal. He will sit back and just give you this look. Like, “Come pet me, but only if I want you to.” He’s a very sweet cat. He’s a gray tabby.

We know that cats have three names. The name that the humans call them or their daily use name, their more dignified name, and their third, secret name that we can never know. What do you think the humans are calling Alonzo?

Aaron: Oh I think he’d just be Al.

What has been your big personal takeaway from this experience?

Aaron: So this is my first show here at Cockpit in Court. I saw my first show here last summer, Something Rotten, phenomenal talent, everything just came together so well. I love that this theatre has live music for shows, I’m a big fan of that and it’s kind of hard to get that in community theatre sometimes. My experience has been that everyone is so warm and welcoming, it felt like an immediate home here. And I’m sure there are a lot of people here who have done shows here before but there are also a lot of new faces and we’ve all been made welcome. This is a new area for me to work in and it has not been intimidating at all. I feel like if I’m ever struggling with anything I can go to anybody and ask for help. I met the president of Cockpit, his name is Toby (President of Cockpit in Court Toby Hessenauer) he’s a wonderful gentleman; he made us cookies one rehearsal, I can tell he’s good at baking. Everyone here is just so wonderful here. I feel really welcomed. It’s a lucky experience to have. Theatre can always be a little hit or miss, especially when you’re going into something new, you might not get along with everybody. But with a Bambi show it’s always a wonderful performance experience that I’ve come to know and love.

If you had to sum up your experience here at Cockpit in Court with Bambi and Cats using just one word, which word would you use?

Aaron: Lucky.

Cats plays July 19th 2024 through August 4th 2024 in the F. Scott Black Theatre of The Robert and Eleanor Romadka College Center at the Community College of Baltimore County Essex Campus— 7201 Rossville Boulevard, Essex MD. For tickets call the box office at (443) 840-2787 or purchase them online.

Follow along in the “Return to the Jellicle Ball” Series here:




Bill Bailey
















Mr. Mistoffelees


Joe the Ticklin’ Ivories Cat





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