Oh! Well, I never! Was there ever a cat so magical as magical… well, you know who…

Thank you for joining us! Why don’t you tell us who you are and who you’re playing for this production of Cats, as you are in fact one of five Erin/Aarons in this production! (I swear it comes in Bambi’s rider that any production of Cats must have at least two or more Erin/Aarons in it…)

Aaron Fletcher: My name is Aaron Fletcher and I’m playing Mr. Mistoffelees.

Aaron Fletcher as Mr. Mistoffelees in Cats at Cockpit in Court
Aaron Fletcher as Mr. Mistoffelees in Cats at Cockpit in Court

Tell me a little bit about Mr. Mistoffelees.

Aaron: Mr. Mistoffelees is a very precise and mysterious cat. He has a lot of secrets up his sleeve and he will never tell you the whole answer.

How are you and Mr. Mistoffelees similar and or different?

Aaron: We’re similar. I think that we’re both very critical thinkers. We are not necessarily protectors but we are ones who are going to find the best plan to get out.

I like this! Now do you consider yourself to be a dancer?

Aaron: I am a dancer. I used to not say that but I am a dancer.

I’m going to hazard a guess and say that has something to do with Bambi maybe?

Aaron: Bambi has definitely helped me grow a lot. I was told in high school to work on the thing that you need to learn the most— like out of the big three dancing, singing, and acting? I worked on dancing the most and I have become a dancer through that. And it’s been pretty awesome.

That’s pretty awesome. Why did you want to come out and audition to be a part of Cats?

Aaron: It’s one of those bucket-list shows. I wanted to be able to say “I’ve done Cats.” I came out for auditions— I just moved here recently— I’m from Texas originally. And here I am!

We’re super excited to have you and welcome from Texas. What does it mean to you to be a Jellicle Cat?

Aaron: It means that we get to bring this magic to life every single time that we sing as these cats. We all just come together, this is our one time of the year to congregate and become one with each other.

Lil Miss Layla Tortietude (on load from Mandy Gunther)
Lil Miss Layla Tortietude (on load from Mandy Gunther)

Do you have cats?

Aaron: I don’t personally, but where I live there are so many neighborhood cats that just roam…I’m watching them all the time, every chance I get so that I can see what they’re up to.

I have six cats myself, you can borrow one of mine.

Aaron: That’s awesome. Thank you.

We know that cats have three names. The name that the humans call them or their daily use name, their more dignified name, and their third, secret name that we can never know. What do you think the humans are calling Mr. Mistoffelees?

Aaron: Oh wow, that’s a great question. I need to think about that for a second! This really is a hard question. I feel like I want it to be something elegant and pristine. I think maybe it’s Houdini because he just appeared out of nowhere, so I think Houdini just fits. That’s what the humans would call him.

What has been your big personal takeaway from getting to be a part of this production?

Aaron: I think it’s been such a great ensemble feeling; we are all working together. No one is fighting each other, we are all just here together to do this show. And I really love that. It’s really very nice to be part of a big ensemble who all gets along.

Is this your time working with Bambi? How has that experience been for you?

Aaron: It is and it has been awesome. I really like working with Bambi. She’s very detailed. She knows what she wants but she also gives you room to create and I think that’s very important. She has that connection with the actors and it’s really great.

If you had to sum up your experience here at Cockpit in Court with Bambi and Cats using just one word, which word would you use?

Aaron: The first word that came into my head was magical.

Cats plays July 19th 2024 through August 4th 2024 in the F. Scott Black Theatre of The Robert and Eleanor Romadka College Center at the Community College of Baltimore County Essex Campus— 7201 Rossville Boulevard, Essex MD. For tickets call the box office at (443) 840-2787 or purchase them online.

Follow along in the “Return to the Jellicle Ball” Series here:




Bill Bailey
















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