Jellicle Cats are Made-Up Cats. And not just that kind of made-up! It’s a whole beauty palette coming at you from this Jellicle Cat!
Thank you so much for spontaneously agreeing to be a part of this series. Becky Flickinger has surprised us both with deciding that this was happening— right now* —as you, she, and Bambi were walking back from the theatre, previewing what the space was going to look like! So we’re both going to be doing a little impromptu improvisation! Tell us who you are and in what capacity you are involved with this production of Cats?

Tigga Smaller: I’m Tigga Smaller and I’m the make-up designer.
And why did you want to come out and be involved with Cats?
Tigga: Well… Bambi Johnson.
Tigga: Exactly. End of sentence. When she did the Tidewater production (Cats 2022 Tidewater Players), she had me come in and do makeup then, and when she found out she was doing it here at Cockpit, she asked me would I be interested in doing it again and of course I’m going to follow her wherever she goes.
Now are you a makeup artist in general? Or are you more of a singer, dancer, performer? How does this fit into theatre for you?
Tigga: Singer, dancer, performer first, but because of theatre, because of dance, you have to— I shouldn’t say you have to because sometimes people don’t— but it’s helpful if you have a little bit of knowledge and stuff like that. I’m also just a makeup enthusiast in general. So I like to do things, I do cosplays and I play with makeup for that. Literally getting into this, Bambi said, “would you be interested in designing makeup for this?” And I said, “Sure. I can create cat faces.”
That is just so wild. How many different cat-faces are you designing?
Tigga: For this show I think it’s like 36? Or something like that…
Based on the number of interviews…that sounds about right…
Tigga: It’s more than the last time. The last production at Tidewater didn’t have as many individual faces because there were hybrids of cats where one actor was doubling up as two cats. So I created mixes of what those two characters were. In this production, almost everyone is one of their own separate cat-faces.
Again— totally wild. I love it. Now are you coming in and doing their makeup? Are you teaching the makeup to them? How does this work?
Tigga: A little bit of both. At home I do all of the faces. I will draw them out, they each have a colored sketch of what their makeup will look like. Anyone that is very apprehensive or afraid, I’ll do a video of me doing the makeup at home. When we did it at Tidewater, I did face-time calls or whatever support I could give them to help learn how to do it. But when it comes to the show-time it’ll be all them. They will be ready to go and they will understand how to do it themselves.
You are no stranger to a Bambi Johnson production. What is it like working with her this time around?
Tigga: The great thing about Bambi is that Bambi doesn’t want to stifle your creativity. She wants to amplify you. And let you do your thing. And if there is something she feels very strongly about, then she’ll say that, but even with the last time around— I would ask a question because I wanted to make sure that as an artist I was giving her what she wants, and she would say “No, what you’re doing is great.” Just yesterday I was texting her about a couple of the faces because the costumes are not the same coloring as what they were in the last production, and she said “That’s perfect, do what you’re doing.”
I really love hearing how communicative and supportive you two are of each other; creative freedom to exercise within the bounds of her vision is fantastic. Now, Tigga, you are an on-stage performer, if you could be any cat in the show, who would you be?
Tigga: It would have to be Rumpleteazer or Tantomile. Because of their makeup design!
What does it mean to you to be a Jellicle Cat?
Tigga: That is something I have never thought about in reality. That’s a good one. I feel like it’s very Avante Garde. I think it’s anything and everything. But in the worst and best possible way.
Do you have cats at home?
Tigga: I do not have cats. I have always been a dog person. My mom I think that house had a cat when she was younger? I don’t remember if there was something behind that? But ever since I was little, we always had a dog in the house.

Do you have a dog in your house right now?
Tigga: Not anymore. We lost both of our dogs about two years ago now.
I am so very sorry for your loss. But that means you can borrow one of mine!
Tigga: I mean, I have adopted Michonne, which is Bambi’s cat. Not like physically adopted, that cat still lives with Bambi, but I’m not usually around cats, but I have loved Michonne ever since I met Michonne.
If you had to come up with a Cat-name for your makeup artist persona, what would we be calling you as a cat?
Tigga: So my favorite cat name— and somebody is actually using that name in production this year— that’s Pouncival. Tristan Goodenaugh is playing Pouncival. I love that name. But I think if I had to come up with my own name, I would have to stick with something close to Tigger. Or something definitely bouncy, light, fun. Not something too serious. You are asking me things I would never think about! So… Tiggalily!
What has been your big personal takeaway from this experience?
Tigga: I think, and again I know that people have probably said this and I know that I’ve said it at least once, but working with Bambi is just like fresh air. She always makes you feel like you’re the most amazing person that she’s ever encountered. She’s very encouraging. Everything is always so positive. Even if it’s a negative thing, she always somehow spins it in its positive light. She’s always excited— by the creating of all the things! That’s always my takeaway whenever I work with her, you always leave— and hopefully everybody else does, but I know I do— I just always leave feeling so good and inspired and feeling really great about myself and what I’ve done because she makes everybody feel special.
Truer words were never spoken. I love it. If you had to sum up your experience here at Cockpit in Court with Bambi and Cats using just one word, which word would you use?
Tigga: Fun.
Cats plays July 19th 2024 through August 4th 2024 in the F. Scott Black Theatre of The Robert and Eleanor Romadka College Center at the Community College of Baltimore County Essex Campus— 7201 Rossville Boulevard, Essex MD. For tickets call the box office at (443) 840-2787 or purchase them online.
Follow along in the “Return to the Jellicle Ball” Series here: