Jake Odmark (left) as Beau and Danielle Wade (right) as Maizy in Shucked 📷Matthew Murphy

Shucked at The National

TheatreBloom rating:

author: Erin Tarpley

“From Farm to Fable”

What did the corn say when it received a compliment?

“Aw, shucks!”

And there are so, so many compliments to shuck around this a-maize-ing show that one could say is outstanding in its field with its whirlwind of corny puns and jokes which is simply named: Shucked.

In case you have never heard of this show, or if the opening joke about corn didn’t clue you in, Shucked is a show about… CORN!  Wait, wait! I promise, there’s more to it than just corn.  Imagine if Oklahoma! ran off into the night and eloped with a husky stand-up comedy act it met at a county fair, and from their poppin’ affair produced a love child raised on a strict corn-fed diet of heart and double entendres.  That’s Shucked!

Jake Odmark (left) as Beau and Danielle Wade (right) as Maizy in Shucked 📷Matthew Murphy
Jake Odmark (left) as Beau and Danielle Wade (right) as Maizy in Shucked 📷Matthew Murphy

But just to be clear, while Shucked is the cream of the crop in some ways, it is not likely to win a Pulitzer Prize for its profound exploration of the human condition.  Rather, this is a show that fully embraces its own ridiculousness with the fervor of embracing the silliness and joy of the “Almighty Pun.”  And because of this, this show will undoubtedly be one of the most delightful nights (or matinees) you’ll have at the theatre since the last Corn-Moon.  Which is in September, by the way.

The premise centers around a group of corn farmers in the isolated, almost mythical land of Cobb County.  One happy day, a lovely young couple stands together to take their vows of wholly… I mean, holy matrimony when suddenly, off to stage left, the corn fields begin to wilt!  Determined to save the livelihood of their idyllic county, our heroine, Maizy (played by Danielle Wade), does something so few before her have ever done: leave Cobb County for the “big city!”

And while I’ll leave it up to you to discover which “big city” she ventures to for help, let’s just say that city folk have a different definition of “Corn Doctor” than what Maizy expects.  But as circumstances are oft to do in stories like these, it just so happens that the “Corn Doctor” Maizy seeks to hire, named Gordy and played by Quinn Vanantwerp, is in a situation where he needs to close up his bunion removal sham-business, and high-tail it out of town to somewhere safe from certain ne’er-do-wells that mean to cause him serious bodily harm.  After returning to Cobb County, it is up to Gordy and Maizy to solve the unsolved mystery (which is just a mystery, by the way) of the wilting corn fields and somehow find love (or loves) along the way.

Danielle Wade (left) as Maizy and Erick Pinnick (right) as Grandpa in Shucked 📷Matthew Murphy
Danielle Wade (left) as Maizy and Erick Pinnick (right) as Grandpa in Shucked 📷Matthew Murphy

The book, by Robert Horn, is an absolute masterclass in puns, one-liners, and the kind of folksy humor that will make you snort and slap your knee at the same time.  Performed as a relentless barrage of corn-related jokes, you’ll barely have time to catch your breath from laughing at the last joke-bomb before your brain catches up with the latest one-liner that will make you snicker all over again.  Luckily, the performers are used to the audience sometimes needing a moment to recover, and are highly skilled at taking a graceful and poignant pause before they masterfully drop the next joke that leaves the audience stamping their feet and cheering in their enjoyment.

The music and lyrics by Brandy Clark and Shane McNally pair beautifully with Horn’s book to showcase a catchy blend of corn-try, I mean, country, blue-corn-grass, I mean, bluegrass, and Broadway-pop (ha! I stopped myself that time!) that will have you toe-tapping and head bobbing with a giant smile from ear to ear.  Being both clever and joyful throughout, the score never forgets that this production is as corny as it’s meant to be, and will leave you howling from the sing-song jokes to the “I get that reference!” lyrics throughout.  Be prepared to leave the theatre humming tunes like “Corn,” “Best Man Wins,” or the absolute one-woman show-stopper “Independently Owned.”

And as for the cast, they are a veritable cornucopia of outstanding talent!  For example, take that one-woman show-stopper previously mentioned.  Performed by the illustrious Miki Abraham as the county’s whiskey distiller and resident sage, Lulu, Abraham shines every time she takes the stage with her charisma, confidence, intelligence, and just all around bad-assery.  But backing up all that magnetic stage presence is the powerhouse vocals Abraham absolutely slays with throughout.  But there was truly something magical about “Independently Owned” where Abraham was able to create a heavenly, angelicness to an anthem of a song that deservedly demands a standing ovation moment.

As for our “Woman of the World” heroine, Maizy, Danielle Wade absolutely nails the comedic precision, inflection, and timing of every physicality and cadenced tone needed to land each and every joke while also capturing the heart of a young woman hungry to experience the world… while also loving the people and the place that made her who she is… while also saving the day… and learning about true love.  Phew! She’s got a lot on her platter!  As the leading heroine, Maizy has a lot of the musical story to tell, and Wade manages to show off her vocal prowess to navigate the show’s comedic and emotional beats with absolute aplomb.

Matching Maizy’s small-town roots is her beau, Beau, played by Jake Odmark.  Capturing the perfect balance of the stereotypical rural-rugged farm-boy-who-don’t-know-no-other-way energy with the tender-hearted-man-who-just-wants-to-be-loved vulnerability, Odmark takes the audience with him on his journey of self-growth and discovery that sometimes he can be wrong, and sometimes the woman he loves was right all along.  (Don’t think about it too hard.  He doesn’t, and it works for him.)  All the while he sings his catchy tunes while showcasing the delightful mix of country-line-dancing meets Browdway-pazazz choreography of Sarah O’Gleby.  But when he pairs with his brother Peanut, played by Mike Nappi, well, you better listen carefully to what Peanut thinks.  Peanut has some kernels of wisdom to share, and while Nappi delivers with perfect timing and style, the energy sync between Nappi and Odmark make for a whole level up to the comedy that ensues.

But seeing as this is the telling of a fable, I would be remiss if I did not mention the two Storytellers of our tale.  Maya Lagerstam and (at this performance) Nick Raynor. Lagerstam and Raynor absolutely command the stage each and every time they appear.  Serving as a mini-Greek Chorus of sorts, Lagerstam and Ellis are the epitome of a comedy duo as they both command and deflect attention around the stage while telling this story about corn, and also filling in for any characters that are technically outside of the county.  They are, to put it simply: An. Absolute. Joy. To. Watch!

Now, let’s address the elephant in the cornfield; you know, the one who’s eye the corn is supposed to grow as high as?… Anyways, while Shucked is unabashedly silly, it never pretends to be anything other than a good time. Or in my case, a great time!  But, if you are looking for a more profound theatrical experience with metaphors or greater life-lessons, this show ain’t it.  But if the weight of the world has gotten you down as of late, there is no better temporary cure than a two and a half hour musical comedy show about corn that will make you laugh, make you stamp your feet, and leave you feeling a little bit lighter than when you first entered the theatre.  And considering we all know what corn by-products can do to our weight, this corn by-product feels like a miracle!

So grab your best flannel shirt and hoist on your favorite overalls, and get ready to be “shucked” into a world that feels like a warm hug and piece of sweet corn pie (just like grandma used to make!) Head on down with the rest of the cob, I mean, mob, to the National Theatre for an experience that will leave you with a smile as wide as a cornfield at harvesting time.  But don’t dally, the inhabitants of Cobb County are only around until March 2nd before they disappear in a corn haze.

Running Time: Approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes with one intermission

Shucked plays through March 2nd 2025 with Broadway at The National— 1321 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004. For tickets call the box office at (202) 628-6161 or purchase them online.

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