
This is Just a Moment in the Woods: An Interview with Director Eric Besbris

This is just a moment in the woods! Again, please. Every theatre wants to take a stab at Sondheim, and the Reisterstown Theatre Project is no different. TheatreBloom takes that moment in the woods to sit down with Director Eric Besbris to uncover his vision behind the current RTP production of Into the Woods.

If you want to tell us who you are and what of your work people might recognize,

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Part of Your World: Meet the Actors of Milburn Stone Theatre’s The Little Mermaid- Eyvo

When Triton’s free-spirited daughter Ariel needs constant supervision, Sebastian is just the crab to keep an eye on her! Exploring the world under the sea in Part 3 of the “Part of Your World” interview series, TheatreBloom sits down with Eyvo to discuss playing the comic crustacean and all it entails.

Thanks for giving us a minute of your time, Eyvo! If you want to tell us who you’re playing in the show and what of your work the readers might recognize,

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Hamilton is Cultivating Live Theatre! An Interview with Founders of Third Wall Productions

After reviewing the situations— which was the smashingly impressive inaugural production of Oliver— TheatreBloom has taken a moment to sit down with the Executive Director and Founding Member of Third Wall Productions Mike Zellhofer and Company Manager and Founding Member Mea Holloway to talk shop about how the company got underway, what they’re up to, and where they’re going!

Let’s get some introductions going here, tell our readers who you are and what of your work they might recognize so they can familiarize themselves with the driving forces behind Third Wall Productions.

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She’s Not Good, She’s Not Bad, She’s the Witch: An Interview with Kristen Zwobot for Reisterstown Theatre Project’s Into the Woods

She’s the hitch…she’s what no one believes…she’s the witch! Kristen Zwobot sits down in a TheatreBloom exclusive interview to discuss tackling a Sondheim Bucket-List role as she takes on The Witch in the Reisterstown Theatre Project production of Into the Woods.

If you could give us a brief introduction of who you are and what of your work the readers might recognize, we can get started.

Kristen Zwobot: So I’m Kristen Zwobot and I’m playing the witch.

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Part of Your World: Meet the Actors of Milburn Stone Theatre’s The Little Mermaid- Judah Latshaw

Not just a scared little guppy— this fish has heelies! It’s time to settle into Part 2 of the “Part of Your World” interview series and meet Judah Latshaw, age nine, who is currently playing Flounder in the Milburn Stone Theatre production of The Little Mermaid. Precocious, spunky, and full of spirit, this is one young performer who is super excited about the chance to get to play on the big stage.

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Variations on Interviews: An Interview with Rapid Lemon’s Max Garner about the Variations Project 2016

The 12th Annual Variations Project has arrived in Baltimore for the 2016 calendar year. Under the care of Rapid Lemon Productions, this year’s theme— as chosen by last year’s audiences— is Variations on Blame. To help spread the word and encourage local artists of Baltimore to become involved with the project, TheatreBloom sits down for an exclusive interview with the Founder of Rapid Lemon Productions to discuss the project and ways for people to get involved.

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Part of Your World: Meeting the Actors of Milburn Stone Theatre’s The Little Mermaid- Carl Pariso & Zach Rogers

Look at this stuff! Isn’t it neat! Wouldn’t you think these interviews are complete? Well, you will once you read them, naturally. Join TheatreBloom in an exclusive 5-part series that delves “under the sea” at Milburn Stone Theatre to meet some of performers of their upcoming production of Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Kicking off the “Part of Your World” series, we get underway with Zach Rogers and Carl Pariso, playing Grimsby and Prince Eric respectively.

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Reflective History: An Interview with Director Susan Stroupe on Strand Theater Company’s Harry & The Thief

When the name Harriet Tubman is mentioned, to many of us— especially those of us here in Baltimore— a particular image comes to mind: a kindly older woman wrapped in her shawl, showing folks the way to freedom on the underground railroad. But the legendary woman of history was so much more than that. And what happens when a time-traveling genius plots to intercept Harriet Tubman in her heyday and load her up with enough guns to incite a revolution that will echo throughout all of time and space?

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Hello, Baltimore, Iron Crow Theatre Wants to Play a Game: An Interview with Artistic Director Sean Elias on the new season of Dark Play

Kicking off things with a bang after a season-long hiatus, Iron Crow Theatre is back with its most ambitious season ever. Under new management, establishing a new identity, and toting a whole bunch of new ideas, the company is rebooting their version of live theatre in Baltimore. Transitioning from the well-known moniker of “Baltimore’s Gay Theatre” into the broader umbrella of “Queer Theatre”, Artistic Director Sean Elias was heard making the statement that “…Queer…as defined to be renegade and unorthodox would be the mark and focus of rebranding the theatre…” at the season launch party held on Saturday February 6th earlier this year.

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Teresa Danskey (center) as Nellie Forbush in South Pacific at Toby's Dinner Theatre

Some Enchanted Interview: Happy Talk with Toby’s Teresa Danskey on South Pacific

Some enchanted evening, you may attend the theatre. You may attend Toby’s the Dinner Theatre of Columbia and see…a truly enchanting Rogers and Hammerstein classic with their production of South Pacific. As the run winds its way into the final month of production, TheatreBloom sits down with actress Teresa Danskey, currently playing ensign Nellie Forbush, for a little happy talk regarding her debut performance at Toby’s.

Thank you for taking a moment out of your busy schedule to sit with us.

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No Darkness But Ignorance- Shedding Light on Trans* Twelfth Night: An Interview with Melanie Glickman and Alice Stanley

Like Shakespeare, interview series can too come with surprises! In an unpredicted fourth installment of the three-part series “No Darkness But Ignorance: Shedding Light on Trans* Twelfth Night” the show’s two remaining actors (who had not yet previously been featured) sit down to discuss the opportunity to work on the project with TheatreBloom. Alice Stanley, the Co-Founder and Co-Producing Artistic Director of Cohesion Theatre Company, sits with actor Melanie Glickman to discuss working inside of Twelfth Night in the Trans* Voices Workshop Series production co-produced by Cohesion Theatre Company and Iron Crow Theatre.

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No Darkness But Ignorance- Shedding Light on Trans* Twelfth Night: An Interview with Logan Davidson, Jane Jongeward, Danielle Vitullo, and Dana Woodson

In the third installment of a series of interviews with the cast and directors of Twelfth Night, a co-production between Cohesion Theatre Company and Iron Crow Theatre appearing in the Trans* Voices Workshop Series, TheatreBloom sits down with actors Logan Davidson, Jane Jongeward, Danielle Vitullo, and Dana Woodson to hear about their experience with the production.

If you could give us an introduction of who you are and who you’re playing in the show as well as a little bit of your performance background from the area that would be a great start.

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No Darkness But Ignorance- Shedding Light on Trans* Twelfth Night: An Interview with Caitlyn Carbone, Nick Delaney, Lilian Oben, and Matthew Payne

Following up the successful interview with Director Phil Vannoorbeeck and Assistant Director Sarah Maher, TheatreBloom sits down with four of the ten actors involved with the Trans* Voices Workshop Series production of Twelfth Night to have them shed further light on the experience.

If you could give us a brief introduction to who you are, who you are in the show, and what work you’ve done in the area, we’ll get started.

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No Darkness But Ignorance- Shedding Light on Trans* Twelfth Night: An Interview with Director Phil Vanndoorbeeck and Assistant Director Sarah Maher

“Oh time, thou must untangle this, not I. It is too hard a knot for me t’ untie.” More appropriate Shakespearean words have never been found to suit the current situation of gender fluidity in the 21st century. As the knot of the rigid gender binary breaks apart into an open an accepting existence that genders— much like plays— come in a great many varieties, time proves to be the ultimate salve and knot-worker when it comes to undoing the limited thinking that has been applied to the notion since people began identifying their genders.

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It’s a Wonderful Interview: Getting Wings with David James

If you’re gonna fly then you just gotta have wings! And the only way for Clarence Odbody, Angel Second Class, to earn his wings is by helping George Bailey hang onto God’s greatest gift! Acting veteran David James, well-known for his three decades of stage work in and around the Washington and Baltimore area, has returned to Toby’s Dinner Theatre of Columbia once more, a performance venue he’s proud to call home for the holidays,

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12 Gifts of a Wolf Pack Christmas Carol: Day 5 an Interview with Vashti Gray Sadjedy

On the fifth day of Christmas Wolf Pack Theatre Company did give to TheatreBloom— five golden answers! Plus an addition seven more as the “12 Gifts of Wolf Pack…” interview series continues on and TheatreBloom sits down with actress Vashti Gray Sadjedy and finds out just what she wants for Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Greetings and thanks for your time, if you could give us just a quick introduction we’ll get underway with these dozen Christmas questions!

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12 Gifts of a Wolf Pack Christmas Carol: Day 4 an Interview with Susan Smithers

On the fourth interview of Christmas, Wolf Pack Theatre Company did give to TheatreBloom— four flashes into the future? No, that’s not quite right. Into the present. Christmas present that is! Continuing through the “12 Gifts of Wolf Pack…” interview series we sit down with actress Susan Smithers to find out just what her feelings are on the whole Christmas Carol story.

If you could give us a quick introduction and tell us who you are in the show,

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12 Gifts of a Wolf Pack Christmas Carol: Day 3 an Interview with Brigid Lally and Dwayne Allen

On the third interview of Christmas, Wolf Pack Theatre Company did give to TheatreBloom— three trips back in time to the days of young Belle and young Ebenezer Scrooge. Played by Brigid Lally and Dwayne Allen respectively, these talented performers give us their insight to the true meaning of Christmas as we follow along the journey of the TheatreBloom exclusive interview series and discover what it’s like for the young ingénues in Wolf Pack’s Christmas Carol.

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Craig Coletta, Artistic Director and Founder of Yellow Sign Theatre

Art Doesn’t Have to be Arty: An Interview with Craig Coletta on his Hotel RL Living Stage Presentation

Ladies and gentlemen, step right up! You think you understand art and culture? You’re about to discover that art and culture as you know it may in fact be older than you are. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview to promote his upcoming TED-style conference talk appearing at the Hotel RL Baltimore— as a part of Hotel RL’s on-going The Living Stage Experience project— Yellow Sign Theatre’s Founder and Artistic Director Craig Coletta sits down to explain his approach to theatre in the arts.

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Playing with Playwrights: An Interview with Ryan Nicotra about Circle Circle Dot Dot

Circle, circle, dot, dot— now you’ve got your cootie shot! A fond recollection for a great many of the Gen-Y kids, but what does that mean in this modern world of sexual fluidity and polyamorous relationships? Playwright Ryan Nicotra, the Founder of BOOM Theatre Company sits down to explain his new work Circle Circle Dot Dot in a TheatreBloom exclusive interview. See what Ryan has to say on polyamorous relationships and why he’s chosen theatre as his platform to broaden the experience.

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12 Gifts of a Wolf Pack Christmas Carol: Day 2 an Interview with Technical Director Stephen Beitzell

On the second interview of Christmas, Wolf Pack Theatre Company did give to TheatreBloom— the insight of their company’s resident Technical Director Stephen Beitzell! Two blinking lights— quick, Stephen they’re not supposed to blink! And a glowing spotlight on solo singers too! Follow along in the TheatreBloom exclusive series to see what Stephen has to say about his Christmas favorites and his experience with A Christmas Carol

Merry Christmas, Stephen! Thanks for giving us a moment of your time!

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12 Gifts of A Wolf Pack Christmas Carol: Day 1 an Interview with Director William Leary

God bless us, every one! At this time of year where need is most keenly felt, Wolf Pack Theatre Company is reminding us all that it is the season to be spreading kindness and good cheer. Their annual production of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol as adapted by the company’s Founder and Artistic Director William Dean Leary, is cause for true celebration as it shines a radiant light on the true meaning of Christmas.

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Spotlight ON: New Company How Do You Like Me Now? An Interview with Company Co-Founder Ed Higgins

In a world where everyone struggles, bullying is rising to the surface as an alarmingly high cause for youth suicide. Taking to the helm of a new project to help generate awareness about bullying in schools, particularly in the LGBT+ community, Baltimore-based actor and performer Ed Higgins has taken a stand against bullying by using the art form that he knows best. Creating the ongoing project of ‘Erase Hate Through Art’ Higgins and Co-Founder Grant Myers have launched the theatrical branch of their project,

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Pondering Playwrights: An Interview with Susan McCully on Kerrmoor

The Women’s Voices Theater Festival has surpassed the boundaries of the nation’s capital and meandered over to Baltimore. A city thriving with theatre, it’s an honored opportunity to take part in the festival that has been occurring throughout the 2015 calendar season. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we sit down with playwright Susan McCully to discuss her work Kerrmoor, a Co-Production with Baltimore’s Strand Theatre and Interrobang Theatre Company. Susan McCully is a professor at UMBC where she teaches playwriting and dramatic literature. 

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Ghost Stories of the Stage: An Interview with Playwright Mark Scharf on his New Work The Quickening

Is there life beyond death? An age old question that plagues the minds of the masses. Science has answers. Religion has answers. Should not the theatre also have answers? In a brand new work by Baltimore-based playwright Mark Scharf, The Quickening, perceived as a ghost story for the stage, dabbles into the uncharted territories of the unknown. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview we sit down with Mark Scharf to discuss his latest work.

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The Truth Behind a Betrayal: An Interview with Andrew Porter Directing Pinter’s Betrayal at FPCT

A breaking or violation of trust of confidence; once a betrayal occurs can life ever be the same? Fells Point Corner Theatre continues its 2015/2016 with a riveting production of Harold Pinter’s Betrayal, directed by the newly appointed president of the board, Andrew Porter. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview we sit down with Andrew and discuss his intention behind the show.

If you could give us an introduction we’ll get things underway.

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It’s Alive! The Director’s Brain of Julie Herber reanimated for MET’s Frankenstein

It’s alive! And rising up from the creative minds of Maryland Ensemble Theatre! Frankenstein, newly adapted for the stage as a part of the 2015/2016 season, the Mary Shelley classic finds its footing in an innovative new approach this autumn. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we sit down with Director Julie Herber to discuss the good doctor and his creature, learning and discover just who the monster is.

If you’d give us a brief introduction of who you are and what of your work the readers might recognize,

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Vivisection: A Dissection of Playwright Mark Scharf’s Brain Over Newly Adapted Work

Everything in existence takes its color from the hue of our surroundings. When the hue of your surroundings is shrouded in mystery and tingling chills the resulting artwork can be quite chilling this time of year. Debuting as a world premiere at The Twin Beach Players, The Island of Doctor Moreau as written and adapted by Baltimore-based playwright Mark Scharf arrives just in time for the spooky shades of autumn. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview we sit down with Mark to discuss the inner musings of his new work.

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A Dream Within A Dream: An Interview with the Co-Creators of The Mesmeric Revelations! of Edgar Allan Poe

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night. A dream? A nightmare? A vision? A world trapped between worlds. Baltimore’s very own site-specific immersive experiential theatre show has returned to the Enoch Pratt House in time for the haunted Halloween season. Going inside the minds of the madness in a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we sit down with Co-Directors and Co-Creators Glenn Ricci and Susan Stroupe to better understand The Mesmeric Revelations!

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Attend the Tale of Sweeney Todd: An Interview with Director Lee Lewis

Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd! He served a dark and a vengeful God! What happens there— well that’s the play! And he wouldn’t want us to give it away…not Sweeney…not Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of Fleet Street! But in an exclusive TheatreBloom interview Director Lee Lewis gives away all the details that the Demon Barber will allow about the upcoming production at Milburn Stone Theatre, reminding us all that this isn’t your mom and pop’s spooky Sondheim musical.

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