
Colorful Conversations With the Cast of Clue: The Butler & Mrs. White

Was it The Butler, in the hallway, with the revolver? Was it Mrs. White, in the drawing room (is that even a room?) with the snake? Well…rope. As we pluck up even more evidence from two more performers in Stand Up For…Theatre’s production of Clue we may find that the bodies are simply piling up!

You there— butler, is it? The one who buttles? Come here!

Anthony Case: Yes.

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Colorful Conversations with the Cast of Clue: Miss Scarlet, The Maid, & Mrs. Peacock

Continuing on in the Colorful Conversations with the Cast* of Clue, opening quite soon with Stand Up For… Theatre at DoodleHATCH, we meet a few more… how shall I say… suspects!? Are you keeping track? Mr. Who? In the Where? With the WHAT!?

You there! Yes, you! Come, sit, chat. Tell us who you are and who you are playing in this production of Clue.

Fela Langston: I’m Fela Langston.

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Colorful Conversations With The Cast of Clue: Mustard, Green, & Plum Edition

The butler did it! In the conservatory! With the knife! Or was it Colonel Mustard? In the kitchen? With the candlestick!? Who kills people with a candlestick!? (Seriously, Parker Brothers, what were you thinking?) In a zany stage adaptation, Stand Up For…Theatre is mounting their latest production and it’s none other than Clue. Not a musical, not their standard bill of fare, and not exactly what you think you might be expecting when you come to see the show— you’re in for a high-laugh,

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Exploring the Graveyard of Empires: An Interview with Yousof Sultani on playing Jawid in Signature Theatre’s Production of Selling Kabul

Media sensationalism, news-blips, and the never-ending stream of immediate access to everything, everywhere, and all at once has led to more than just empathy fatigue. In the minds of the masses, particularly those more technologically engaged with social media, it has led to cultural shortsightedness. A thing is happening. Somewhere that isn’t here. And it’s unfortunate. And we feel bad. And we move on. But that doesn’t mean this is the first time, the only time that such a thing has happened.

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Spit Spot & Practically Perfect: An Interview with Gary Dieter & Katie Sheldon on Mary Poppins

Winds in the east, mist comin’ in. Like somethin’ is brewin’ and ‘bout to begin. Can’t put me finger on what lies in store…but I feel what’s to happen all happened before! Twice before, as a matter of fact. Every four years or so it seems! When one is given the opportunity to pick up the magical umbrella and fly…one should certainly take it every chance they get! And Katie Sheldon has done exactly that.

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Spit Spot & Practically Perfect: An Interview with Suzi Eldridge & Jim Gross on Mary Poppins at Suburban Players

Illusions may shatter, but memories stay… important lessons learned are all along the way! No strangers to Poppins, they’re giving their thanks! It’s Jim Gross and Suzi Eldridge— playing Mr. and Mrs. Banks! In a tale of what almost was once upon a time, these two area actors finally get to play opposite one another— this time for St. Demetrios’ Suburban Players— as the matriarch and patriarch of the Banks’ family in Mary Poppins.

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Season of Love & Laughter: A Talk with Ron Legler about the 23/24 Hippodrome Season

They are not throwing away their shot! After a spectacular come-back season, referred to by France-Merrick Performing Arts Center President Ron Legler as the “Season of Gratitude”— featuring such sensational shows as Hamilton, Jagged Little Pill, and Les Miserables— The Hippodrome Theatre has a whole new season lined up and it is spectacular! Including a Baltimore first— a pre-Broadway launch— as well as shows brand-new to the city,

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Spit Spot & Practically Perfect: An Interview with Tammy Oppel on Mary Poppins at Suburban Players

Brimstone and treacle and cod liver oil! Those are the tricks of her trade! A far cry from the syrupy, sweet, spoonful-of-sugar-style nanny, Miss Andrew is on the scene! Continuing on in our practically perfect interview series with the Suburban Players’ cast of Mary Poppins, we’ll have a chat with Tammy Oppel about playing the nasty and nefarious Miss Andrew, foil to Mary Poppins herself and villain extraordinaire in the musical.

So excited to get to chat with you,

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Prepare Ye The Way of Peace Players: An Interview With Albert & Lisa Boeren

Prepare ye! The way of the— new theatre company!? The Peace Players are the new harbingers of hope, after quite some years in the making, and are preparing their debut production of Godspell, arriving in the actual sanctuary of Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we’re sitting down with founders Albert and Lisa Boeren to talk all about the company, their inaugural production, and their hopes for the future when it comes to this blossoming new theatre company.

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Spit Spot & Practically Perfect: An Interview With Erin, Nora, Evelyn, and Maeve Acerno on performing together in Mary Poppins




i-s-t-i-c-e-x-p-i-a-l-i-d— o-d-i-o-u-s!!!

Everybody now! Okay, well, not everybody— but a fantastic group of four ensemble members— for sisters, to be exact. It isn’t very often that one is fortunate enough to get to a show with one family, let alone get to be in the same show with all four siblings! How very— Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is that!? We took some time, continuing on after speaking with the young actors who play Jane &

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Blown Away: An Interview with Iron Crow Theatre’s Natka Bianchini on Hurricane Diane

Gods don’t die; they just change form. And what if one of the most revered Gods of all time— especially to those in the theatre community— were to reappear in a different form, come down to earth and hope to bring about a change of days? Then you sound like you might be prepared for Iron Crow Theatre’s production of Madeleine George’s Hurricane Diane. And if you’d like to be more prepared,

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Spit Spot & Practically Perfect: An Interview with Bella Comotto & Elijah Tsakalos with The Suburban Players’ Mary Poppins

In every job that must be done there is an element of fun! And what job could be more fun then getting to be Jane and Michael Banks in Mary Poppins? TheatreBloom was given the exclusive chance to sit down and chat with Miss Bella Comotto and Mr. Elijah Tsakalos, currently playing Jane & Michael Banks (respectively) in the upcoming production of the St. Demetrios’ Suburban Players’ Mary Poppins.

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Bah! Humbug! An Interview with Phil Gallagher on his one-man performance of A Christmas Carol at Spotlighters Theatre

“It is required of every man… that the spirt within him should walk abroad among his fellow men, and travel far and wide; and, if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death.” ~Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol.

 It’s…that…time of year…when the world seems to do… all the Christmas things… on screen, on stage… every play you see…is A Christmas Carol… well,

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Visions of Nowness: An Interview with James Magruder on Head Over Heels

Are you having visions of nowness? (If you are, they’re probably filled with haunted Christmas ghosts, dancing leg-lamps, and all the other recurring Christmas characters who pop up on stages everywhere this time of year.) Do you feel like vacation’s all you ever wanted? Then join Iron Crow Theatre for a refreshing Christmas alternative this holiday season. They’re producing the regional premiere of The Go-Go’s Head Over Heels and in a TheaterBloom exclusive interview with stage-adapter and Broadway playwright,

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You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out: An Interview with Bobby & Jude Mahoney on A Christmas Story The Musical

Goodbye November! Thanksgiving’s gone! Now every house in Havre de Grace has a plastic reindeer on its lawn. The season’s starting— I’ll give you proof! Tidewater Players bought a nine-foot dancing Santa for the HdG Opera House roof!* ‘Cause it’s almost nearly getting close to counting down to Christmas! It’s almost time to see their stage light up the town for Christmas! It’s something like fifteen-thousand and forty-two minutes away— before A Christmas Story opens on opening day!

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No Beauty Without Strangeness: An Interview with The National Edgar Allan Poe Theatre’s Alex Zavistovich

“There is no beauty without some strangeness.” ~Edgar Allan Poe

The master of the macabre, our beloved Edgar Allan Poe, here once more in beloved Baltimore. The National Edgar Allan Poe Theatre, in its first live-stage performance, has set up shop on the east side of Charm City, if perhaps just a little over the city’s borders into the county, to present Blood, Sweat, and Fears just in time for the pinnacle of spooky season.

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Playwright Jeremy Kareken outside of Maryland Ensemble Theatre

Negotiating Facts: An Interview with Playwright Jeremy Kareken on The Lifespan of a Fact

“Shorter all the time.” A direct quote from playwright Jeremy Kareken, co-writer of the play The Lifespan of a Fact, based on the book by John D’Agata and Jim Fingal. It’s his definition of the play’s title, when asked, ‘what do you believe is the lifespan of a fact?’ In a sit-down, pre-show interview with Kareken— as the play makes its regional debut at the Maryland Ensemble Theatre this October— we’ve taken a few moments to pick Jeremy Kareken’s brain about the play and the experience of writing it in this ever-evolving era of instantaneous digital information.

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Food In My Mouth; Art On My Stage: An Interview With Bobby Smith In Signature Theatre’s No Place To Go

What do you do when you reach a certain age and the ‘family’ you’ve always thought you had in your job is now walking away from you? To go to Mars? And all you asked from them is a jazillion dollars? A semi-non-direct quote from No Place To Go, a new musical conceived by Ethan Lipton, now on stage in Signature Theatre’s Ark stage, starring Bobby Smith. A one-man musical with three musicians live on-stage in addition to Smith,

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Grizabella

Turn your face to the moonlight…let your memory lead you…in a fitting finale for our feline features with the Tidewater Players’ cast of Cats, we finally get to feel the mind of the glamour cat. Meow.

Thank you for giving us a moment of your time! Please tell us who you are and who you play!

Ariel Chaillou: I am Ariel Chaillou and I play Grizabella.

Tell me about Grizabella!

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Gus

For he was once a star of the highest degree… as we wind down to our last two felines remaining…are you ready to meet Asparagus? Or might you better know him as…Gus? MEOW!

Thank you for taking a moment of your time to talk with us, could you tell us who you are and who you play?

Mark Briner: My name is Mark Briner, you know that. Don’t I write for you?

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Mr. Mistoffelees

Oh well I never! Was there ever a cat so clever? You might even call this cat…Meow-gical! Hehe. MEOW!

Thank you for giving us a few moments of your time! Please tell me who you are and who you play?

Sammi Flickinger: My name is Sammi Flickinger and I play Mr. Mistoffelees.

What is it like getting to play Mr. Mistoffeles?

Sammi: It’s really fun! I don’t usually get chances like this;

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Skimbleshanks/Macavity

He’s the bafflement of Scotland Yard, The Flying Squad’s despair. For when they reach the scene of crime…Macavity’s not there! Macavity! Macavity! But also the railway cat? Meow-meow? Double trouble with this feline feature!

Thank you for giving us a moment of your time, if you could tell us who you are and who you play that would be a great place to start!

Stanley Evans: I’m Stanley Evans. I play Skimbleshanks and Macavity.

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Woman On Top: Interviewing Director Ann Turiano about Robert O’Hara’s Mankind at Iron Crow Theatre

Kids from the 90’s and the early 00’s might remember that one artist— Vitamin C? Mostly because she had that one song…who knows what it was actually called… but it was frequently referred to as “The Graduation Song.” And everyone knew it. What they likely didn’t know was that Vitamin C had this whole album and buried somewhere in the middle— track seven to be exact— was this song called “Girls Against Boys.” It was this futuristic song all about if women ruled the world and how different things would be,

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Bastet

Spry as a kitten, sage as Old Deuteronomy, with talents and graces and kindness and joy…one could hardly wait to hear the words of the Director, the magical, Jellicle, Bambi Johnson-cat! We’ll call her… Bastet… mother and goddess of cats! MEOW!

Thank you so much for giving us some of your rehearsal time and all of your actors to participate in this series. We are just so excited to do this with you!

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Old Deuteronomy

And his numerous progeny prospers and thrives, and the village is proud of him in his decline. Ancient and wise and the leader of the Jellicles…he took a little more time to get to you because he’s lived so very, very long… Meow.

Thank you for giving us some of your time, if you would tell us who you are and who you play, that would be great!

Bob Sullivan: I’m Bob Sullivan and I play Old Deuteronomy.

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Exotica

Practical cats. Dramatical cats. Pragmatical cats. Fanatical cats. Purr? Mrow.

Thank you for giving us a moment of your time! If you could tell us who you are and who you play, that would be lovely.

Vera Roell: My name is Vera Roell and I play Exotica.

Tell me a little bit about Exotica.

Vera: The thing with Exotica is that she’s one of the more ensemble cats.

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Etcetera

Jellicle Cats are white and black. Jellicle Cats are of moderate size. Jellicles jump like a jumping jack. Jellicle Cats have moonlit eyes. And they like to…dance. *hiss*

Thank you for giving us some of your time! If you could tell us who you are and who you play in this production, that would be wonderful.

Whitney Russell: My name is Whitney Russell and I play Etcetera.

Tell me a little bit about Etcetera.

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Bustopher Jones

In the whole of St. James’ the smartest of names is the name of this Brummel of cats. And we’re all of proud to be nodded or bowed to by the cat about town in white spats! Me-ow!

Thank you for a few moments of your time! If you could tell us who you are and who you play in this production of Cats that would be great!

Wayne Ivusich: My name is Wayne Ivusich and I am portraying Bustopher Jones.

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Bombalurina

With a smokey belt, she purrs it out…that fiendish song about Macavity (who’s not there!) Yes, the feline feature we’ve all been waiting for…miss bombastic, miss dance-n-sing…well…you know. Meow!

Thank you so much for giving us a moment of your time! Tell us who you are and who you play in Cats.

Lindsey McCumber: My name is Lindsey McCumber and I play Bombalurina.

Tell us about Bombalurina.

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Jellicles Can And Jellicles Do: Meet Pussywillow

Can you ride on a broomstick to places far distant? Are you familiar with bell, candle, and book? Who better than to ‘know the book’ than the someone from the directing team? Purrpurr.

Thank you so much for giving us some of your time! Tell us who you are and how you got involved with this production of Cats.

Becky Flickinger: I’m Becky Flickinger and my role with this production is the assistant director and Tidewater Liasson/Production Manager.

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