
Life’s Got To Be Lived: An Interview with Becky Titelman about Scottfield Theatre Company

Just when things look bleakest— there is ever hope on the horizon! With a world that’s politically upside down, the brightest act of optimism is through the birth of new creative endeavors and what a wonderful new adventure to embark upon in this era than starting a new community theatre boldly daring to do new works, obscure works, and regional premieres of work fresh off Broadway! Harford County is pleased and proud to welcome the Scottfield Theatre Company to the area.

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Abracadabra: A Prestige of Playwrights from Variations on Magic: Justin Lawson Isett

“What the eyes see and the ears hear, the mind believes.” –Harry Houdini.

It’s all just an illusion, isn’t it? A surefire way to draw a crowd to an evening’s spectacle, claimed the great Harry Houdini, “…is to let it be known that at a given time and a given place someone is going to attempt something that in the event of failure will mean sudden death.” That’s human fascination for you; we’re all wound into the potential of the story.

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Abracadabra: A Prestige of Playwrights from Variations on Magic: Utkarsh Rajawat

“Unlike a mere deception or a simple secret, which gives the impression that something’s been taken away, a great magician makes you feel like something’s been given to you.” –Jim Steinmeyer

The art of being a magician is beyond that of simply knowing tricks and purchasing gimmicks. There is a story to tell. There is a sense of showmanship to present. As Leonard Cohen once said, “Do not be a magician— be magic!” And so too should the words upon page that become words upon stage when spinning a script based in magic?

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Abracadabra: A Prestige of Playwrights from Variations on Magic: Alice Stanley

“That’s the thing with magic. You’ve got to know it’s still here, all around us, or it just stays invisible for you.” –Charles de Lint

What would you wish for if you had magical powers? Would you wish to be able to fly and soar high above the rooftops, the treetops, over the clouds, and see everything from above? Or would you wish for money, riches, and wealth beyond your wildest dreams so that you could purchase everything your heart desired?

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Abracadabra: A Prestige of Playwrights from Variations on Magic: Jen Diamond

“Magic is not a practice. It is a living, breathing web of energy that, with our permission, can encase our every action.” –Dorothy Morrison.

Do you believe in magic? How about ghosts? The supernatural and the inexplicable tend to go hand in hand, walking precariously together down the long and winding road we call life. Ghosts are magic too, aren’t they? Aren’t we all, in a sense, made of magic? Made of ghosts?

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Abracadabra: A Prestige of Playwrights from Variations on Magic: Larry Malkus

“Never ever doubt in magic. The purest honest thoughts come from children, ask any child if they believe in magic and they will tell you the truth.” –Scott Dixon

Children have a knack for believing readily in the unbelievable. Maybe it’s because as children our minds are freer; our minds are not fettered by the complexities and responsibilities that come along with adult life. We’re encouraged to believe in magic— faeries, dragons, wizards,

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Abracadabra: A Prestige of Playwrights from Variations on Magic: Tatiana Nya Ford

“Children seek magic because they look for it.” –Christopher Moore

J.M. Barrie once said something like the moment you doubt your ability to fly you will never be able to do so ever again. What is it about believe that so strongly tethers us to the magical world? What would you believe in if the world was ending? Magic? Faith? Humanity? Exploring what the fourth playwright of this year’s Variations on Magic has put forth in her ten-minute selection,

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Abracadabra: A Prestige of Playwrights from Variations on Magic: MJ Perrin

“A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartache. Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true. A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you’re feeling small. Alone in the night you whisper,

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Abracadabra: A Prestige of Playwrights From Variations on Magic: Race Brown

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.” – Roald Dahl.

Time to take a look at another playwright from this year’s Variations on Magic.

Name: Race Brown

Play Title: Really?

Teaser: A play about having your cake and slicing it too.

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Abracadabra: A Prestige of Playwrights from Variations on Magic: Jeff Dunne

Every great magic trick consists of three parts:

The first part is called “The Pledge”.  This is where the magician shows you something ordinary: a deck of cards, a bird…a play… The Variations Project, proudly produced by Rapid Lemon Productions as it enters its 13th annual production, is back in Baltimore this summer and this year’s theme? 

The second part is called “The Turn” where the magician takes the ordinary something and makes it do something extraordinary…

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Look Out. Look Out! LOOK OUT! Little Shop of Horrors Invades Purple Light Theatre Company

On the 16th day

Of the month of August

In an early year of a decade

Not too long before our own

The Baltimore Theatre Scene

Suddenly encountered

A vivacious resurgence

To its very existence!

And this nearly-forgotten company surfaced

As such companies often do

With the seemingly most innocent

And unlikely of productions…


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The Hills Are Alive With Local Talent: A Quick Interview with Austin Colby in the National Tour of The Sound of Music

The hills are alive— with the sound of local talent! How delightful it is when local talent who grew up in the DMV area, and got their professional start in the district, returns to the nation’s capital on a national tour! In this TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we take just a quick moment to sit down with Austin Colby— of Richmond, VA and whose professional career got started in area regional theatres like Toby’s Dinner Theatre of Columbia and Signature Theatre— and discuss playing Rolf in the current national tour of Rogers and Hammerstein’s The Sound of Music.

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Jesus Christ: Superstar: An Interview with Awa Sal Secka on Playing Simon Zealotes

Christ, you know you love it— Jesus Christ Superstar— what more do you need to convince you to come and see it at Signature Theatre? Perhaps a one-on-one interview with Awa Sal Secka, playing Simon Zealotes will do the trick! In this TheatreBloom exclusive one-on-one, we speak with Awa about the current production and her part in the show.

Thank you, Awa, for giving us your time! If you would just give a quick introduction of who you are and some of your DC credits,

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Hear It! A Percussive Interview with STOMP Performer Simeon Weedall

Are you ready to hear them? STOMP— the international touring sensation— is taking a brief trip into Charm City and TheatreBloom was fortunate enough to score a brief interview with one of their fantastic performers, Simeon Weedall. Sit back and enjoy the sounds of this percussive dancer as we talk one on one with Simeon about the STOMP Experience.

Thanks for chatting with us, if you’d just give us a quick introduction, we’ll get started!

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So You Think You Know Dance: An Interview with Gaby Diaz

You’ve seen the hit sensation television show: So You Think You Can Dance? The real question is, once you prove you can and win a crown, where do you go from there? In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we sit down with the Season 12 crowned winner of the program Gaby Diaz and chat about her current involvement with Travis Wall’s Shaping Sound: After the Curtain, on tour in the US and heading to Baltimore!

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Stay In Our Arms: An Interview with The Bodyguard’s Judson Mills

Stay in my arms if you dare! Must I imagine you there? Imagine no more as The Bodyguard tour hits The Hippodrome Theatre at The France-Merrick Performing Arts Center. As a part of the CareFirst Hippodrome Broadway Series, the iconic film turned stage musical is taking cities across America by storm. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we sit down with Judson Mills who plays the titular character of the show,

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Larry The Cable Guy

Git Er Done! An Interview with Larry The Cable Guy

Git er done! The redneck phrase that is still sweeping the nation some decades after its invention! Larry The Cable Guy, originator of said phrase is on the road again and this time he’s stopping at the Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races! In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview we’ve taken a few minutes to get acquainted with the wild comedian and see just what it is that keeps him going with his funny business after all these years!

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Facing the Storm Together: An Interview with Cody Nickell and Kate Eastwood Norris

A storm is a great metaphor for all the chaos and turmoil in our lives. But what happens with the storm is not only a metaphor but a literal storm breaking down the door? Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company is now presenting Obie Award-Winning Clare Barron’s Baby Screams Miracle on the 2017 side of its current season. In a TheatreBloom exclusive sit-down interview, we’re speaking with yet another married couple housed within the company to explore the working dynamic of this mighty storm in this powerful work.

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All The Folger’s Her Stage: An Interview with Director Gaye Taylor Upchurch on As You Like It

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. On the Folger Theatre stage, they have their entrances and their exits, all overseen, given form and structure, and creatively envisioned by Director Gaye Taylor Upchurch. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we sit down with the show’s Director to get her take on what’s up with As You Like It.

Thank you for giving us some time,

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The Hippodrome 2017/2018 Season: A Quick Interview with Ron Legler

The most exciting time of year for theatergoers everywhere is when their favorite theatres start to announce the upcoming season. Charm City is no exception and The Hippodrome Theatre in Baltimore has just announced major plans for its 2017/2018 season. The CareFirst Hippodrome Broadway Series is making a big splash with seven tremendous Broadway sensations sweeping through over the next year and TheatreBloom was so excited to share the news, we had to have a chat with Ron Legler,

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A Smile On Your Face, Love in Your Heart: An Interview with Ben Fankhauser of Beautiful: The Carole King Musical

You’ll feel the earth— move— under your feet as the sensational Broadway hit show, Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, lands at The Hippodrome Theatre Baltimore as a part of the CareFirst Hippodrome Broadway Series. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we take a moment to chat with Ben Fankhauser, currently playing songwriter Barry Mann in the show, to hear all about the Beautiful experience.

Thank you so much for giving us a moment of your time!

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Bud, Not Buddy- an Interview with Justin Weaks

Everyone remembers the “reading list books” from their school days. The Newbery Award (John Newbery Award, given to the author of “the most distinguished contribution to American literature for Children), often marked books that made this list. One such book, Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis is now making its stage debut in the Eisenhower Theatre of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we sit down and chat with Justin Weaks,

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Take a Chance on Me: An Interview with Mamma Mia’s Sarah Smith

If you change your mind, be the first in line— there are tickets left— take a chance on them! That’s right, Abba fans, you haven’t missed your chance to see The Farewell Tour of Mamma Mia one last time as it visits The Hippodrome here in Charm City. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we’ve sat down with Sarah Smith, playing Rosie, to have a chat about her experience with the show and get the inside scoop on what it’s like to be a part of Donna and The Dynamos.

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Baking with Betty: An Interview with Cast and Creative Team of Strand Theater Company’s Exit Pluto

A change— a change— will do you good! A change will do you good! Unless of course you’re Betty and petrified of change. In the second mainstage production of the 2016/2017 at Strand Theater Company, now fully residing in Hamilton on Baltimore’s east side, Exit Pluto is ready to shake up the world of Betty and her bakery! In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we sit down with the creative team— including the director,

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He’s a D’Ysquith: An Interview with Gentleman’s Guide’s Kevin Massey on playing Monty Navarro

He’s a D’Ysquith! He’s a D-apostrophe Y-squith! And he’s determined to take his rightful place in Highurst Castle and inherit the fortune that belongs to him. If only there weren’t so many pesky relatives in his way! Journey onward down the path of A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder in a TheatreBloom exclusive interview with master player Kevin Massey, undertaking the role of Monty Navarro, and we find out just how to plot murder most fabulously foul and engage in the high class art of love.

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A Christmas Story is Coming to Town: An Interview with Joey Little

You’ll shoot your eye out! And the iconic leg lamp! All of the hallmarks that make an A Christmas Story, one of America’s favorite Christmas movies, are now incorporated into a live stage musical just in time for the holiday season. The touring production is landing in Charm City to kick off Christmas in the first full week of December! In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we have a quick chat with performer Joey Little— a native of Reisterstown— and find out just what it’s like to be a part of the iconic holiday musical show.

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The Sisters singing "Take Me to Heaven"

Little Sisters of Toby’s Dinner Theatre: Inside the Cloister of Sister Act with Ashley Johnson and Lynn Sharpe Spears

Gloria in excelsis Deo! Hallelujah! Raise some heat— raise some Cain— raise it to a higher plane! Raise it up and rejoice— raise your voice! Closing out a sensational practically sold-out ten-week run, the very last of The Littler Sisters of Toby’s interview series has graced the readers with its arrival! Featuring Ashley Johnson and Lynn Sharpe Spears in the leading roles of Deloris Van Cartier and Mother Superior, we take one last trip into the convent to get real with the sisters of Toby’s Sister Act.

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Baltimore is Giving a Ball: A Fairytale Interview with Sarah Primmer of Cinderella

Bippity-boppity-BAM! This isn’t your mother’s Cinderella. In the newly woven magic spell of the Rogers & Hammerstein classic, the shiny glass-slippered fairytale gets a retelling, a retooling, and a new look on how the story happened. Sitting down with us for an exclusive TheatreBloom interview, we chat with Sarah Primmer, playing Madame (aka the evil Stepmother), about the story and what her journey has been like so far.

Thanks for joining us,

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The Sisters singing "Take Me to Heaven"

Little Sisters of Toby’s Dinner Theatre: Inside the Cloister of Sister Act with Teresa Danskey and Amy Haynes

If you want the world to listen, stand up tall and proud! And these sisters have the whole world listening as they raise their voices on the fourth installment of the Little Sisters of Toby’s interview series. This time around we’re featuring Sister Mary Robert and Sister Mary Patrick, played by Teresa Danskey and Amy E. Haynes. We sit down with both ladies to hear their take on the Sister Act experience.

Thank you both for joining us!

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The Sisters singing "Take Me to Heaven"

Little Sisters of Toby’s Dinner Theatre: Inside the Cloister of Sister Act with Samantha McEwen Deininger, Ashley K. Nicholas, and Elizabeth Rayca

Tossing everything in and digging deep inside, the third round of The Little Sisters of Toby’s are ready to raise their voice. Sitting down with Samantha McEwen Deininger, Ashley K. Nicholas, and Elizabeth Rayca, we find out just what it’s like for these sisters to be a part of the sisterhood happening in Sister Act playing now through November 13, 2016 at Toby’s Dinner Theatre.

Thank you ladies for giving us a quick pinch of your time!

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