Articles Tagged With: Amy Haynes Rapnicki

Kinky Boots at Silhouette Stages 📷 Shealynn Jae Photography

Kinky Boots at Silhouette Stages

Shoes can protect a man’s journey but only his heart can choose the path. And your heart will take you on the path to Silhouette Stages and their impressive production of Kinky Boots! Directed by Jeremy Goldman with Musical Direction by Matthew Dohm and Choreography by Jeremy A. McShan, this much-needed story of accepting people for who they are is chock-a-block with talent, packed full of energy, enthusiasm, and will have you lit like a live wire by evening’s end.

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Steven Day (center) as Monst3r in Monster (or #MeToo, Brute) 📷 Matthew Peterson

Monster (or #MeToo, Brute)

Reputation is everything. You either have enough wealth to buy reputation or you have enough reputation to be wealthy. That’s the vicious cycle of existing. Or at least existing on the internet. In a world-premiere of Marshall Logan Gibbs’ new work, Monster (or #MeToo, Brute) the ‘safe space’ of the internet is deeply examined through an all-too relatable lens. Directed by Maxwell Wolf, this current production appears as one of two brand new works being produced by The Maryland Theatre Collective this 2024/2025 season and is deeply poignant,

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Kinky Boots at Dundalk Community Theatre

Step aside, Cinderella! Move over, Imelda Marcos! Because Dundalk Community Theatre is here! And they are lighting up the stage like a live wire with Lola’s Kinky Boots! Directed by Roger Schulman, with Musical Direction by Catina Ramis McLagan, and Choreography by Rachel Miller, this stunning production of a gloriously heartwarming tale invites you to embrace yourself for who you are, live your best life, and to simply— just be!

Buckle up for a trip to Northampton as seasoned Technical Director Marc W.

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Puffs at Silhouette Stages ???? Stasia Steuart Photography

Puffs at Silhouette Stages

Puffs at Silhouette Stages: Revenge of the Nerds,” Potter Style

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a side character in a story? To not be the hero, but just another onlooker? Matt Cox’s Puffs at Silhouette Stages examines this idea in hilarious fashion as we delve into the world of a Certain School of Magic and Magic. A riotous romp through mediocrity,

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Ragtime in concert at Maryland Theatre Collective ???? Matthew Peterson

Ragtime at Maryland Theatre Collective

At the turn of the 20th century, a new music emanating from African-American urban communities began creeping into mainstream culture for the first of what eventually became many times over the course of the century. But in 1975, E.L. Doctorow used this musical form as a metaphor for not only the infusion of African-American influences into the white musical world, but for the changes in emerging racial presences that forced drastic social and class struggle,

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Freaky Friday at The Maryland Theatre Collective ????Matthew Peterson

Freaky Friday at The Maryland Theatre Collective

Hey guys!  Sup?!  I had the most awesome, freakiest experience last night.  Actually, it was a good kind of freaky and I think you should get your freak on too!  What am I talking about?  Glad you asked!  I think you all should come and, well, you know, like chill with the cast and crew of Freaky Friday presented by The Maryland Theatre Collective at The Chesapeake Arts Center in Brooklyn Park.  I guarantee you will laugh,

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Legally Blonde at Third Wall Productions

They’ve got that beeeeeend and SNAP! See how good they’re
getting? Beeeeeend and SNAP! All the fun they’re having? They’ve sprung the trap;
you’ll cheer and clap for their beeeeeend and SNAP! And generally for their
production of Legally Blonde! Third Wall Productions breaks up the
midwinter blues with their second show of the 2019-2020 season— Legally
! Directed by Henry Cyr with Musical Direction by Patty DeLisle, and
Choreography y Cecilia &

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Ruthless! at The Heritage Players

Talent. Either you’ve got it. Or you don’t. Luck for you,
The Heritage Players production of Ruthless! has got it. And they’ve got
it pouring out of their wazoos in spades. Directed & Choreographed by
Ashley Gerhardt with Musical Direction by Michael Clark, this zany and
uproarious musical send-up will have your gut aching with laughs. Nobody’s in
the mud, nobody’s in distress in this production— except the characters
themselves— and it’s a madcap scream from simple start to diabolical finish.

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The Little Mermaid at September Song

The seaweed is always greener, on somebody else’s stage. You’ve
seen a bunch of productions, cause last year it was all the rage. But look at
the show that’s happenin’— right there on the Carroll Arts Center floor, such
different things about it— what more is you looking for? The Little Mermaid
is splashing on stage as the 45th anniversary production of
September Song. Directed by Debbie Mobley with Musical Direction by Kelly

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The Company of ASoB's 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Artistic Synergy of Baltimore

Miraculous— (adjective.)
“performed by or involving a supernatural power or agency. Of the nature of a
miracle; marvelous. Having or seeming to have the power to work miracles.” This
current production of The 25th
Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
is a miraculous show put forth by
Artistic Synergy. M-I-R-A-C-U-L-O-U-S. Produced
by Melissa Broy Fortson, with Direction by Atticus Cooper Boidy, and Musical
Direction by Rachel Sandler, the astonishing talent, the heartfelt

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