Articles Tagged With: Ande Kolp

Kinky Boots at Silhouette Stages đź“· Shealynn Jae Photography

Kinky Boots at Silhouette Stages

Shoes can protect a man’s journey but only his heart can choose the path. And your heart will take you on the path to Silhouette Stages and their impressive production of Kinky Boots! Directed by Jeremy Goldman with Musical Direction by Matthew Dohm and Choreography by Jeremy A. McShan, this much-needed story of accepting people for who they are is chock-a-block with talent, packed full of energy, enthusiasm, and will have you lit like a live wire by evening’s end.

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Calendar Girls at Silhouette Stages

The flowers of Columbia are like the women in the theatres of Columbia. Every stage of their growth has its own beauty, but the last phase is always the most glorious. And after two-years of growing this phenomenal theatrical flower, Silhouette Stages is finally ready for their production of Calendar Girls to bloom upon the stage in all of its radiant glory. Directed by Conni Trump Ross, this heartwarming, evocative play by Tim Firth is the perfect way for Silhouette Stages to welcome back audiences to live,

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Sunflowers of Hope: An Interview with Director Conni Trump Ross on Calendar Girls at Silhouette Stages

The long-awaited production of Calendar Girls is finally making its way to the stage! Silhouette Stages production of the show, directed by Conni Ross, was originally slated for the Slayton House stage in March of 2020. The show was in its final phase of tech week when the pandemic shuttered the world, shutting down the state and all live-theatre with it. Two years later, with indefatigable hope and a feeling of triumph, director Conni Trump Ross has given us some time in a one-on-one,

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She Loves Me at Silhouette Stages

Thank you, Madam (and gents and everyone), do come again, do
come again— to Silhouette Stages to see a rather invigorating production of She
Loves Me
, Directed by Stephan Foreman with Musical Direction by Andrew
Zile. The dated and somewhat stale musical finds a vivacious new life under
Foreman’s magical direction; his attention to detail, precision casting choices,
and overall approach to the performance gives it a bubbly exuberance that makes
for a thoroughly enjoyable evening of musical theatre (even if they are
tricking you into your first Christmas show of the 2019 calendar season— in

Angelica Peaco (left) as Ilona Ritter and Kelly Rardon (right) as Amalia Balash in She Loves Me at Silhouette StagesAmanda N.

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Big Fish at Silhouette Stages

Who among us is not guilty of embellishing a story here and there? Whether exaggerating about our feats of derring-do, or adding a few inches to that fish we caught when we were a child, stories have a way of taking on a life of their own when we tell them. In this case, there is “Magic in the Man” through the larger-than life stories Edward Bloom tells his young son. But all children must grow up,

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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum at Silhouette Stages

While there’s nothing that’s formal and nothing that’s normal, there is something for everyone at Silhouette Stages—a true comedy tonight! Old situations! New complications! Nothing portentous or polite! There may be tragedy tomorrow but, thankfully, there is A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum tonight! Smartly directed by Conni Ross, with superb Musical Direction by William Georg, and entertaining Choreography by Tina DeSimone and her assistant Maddie Bohrer,

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Lindsey Litka (left) as Allison and Michael Nugent (right) as Wade "Cry Baby" Walker

Cry Baby at Silhouette Stages

It’s a beautiful day for an anti-polio picnic! It’s a beautiful day to get a polio shot! And if you’re in for all that plus an insanely good production, well then at Silhouette Stage, you’ve come to the right spot! Watch your a$$ and do take care because there’s talent lurking everywhere all throughout Silhouette Stage’s production of Cry Baby: The Musical. Directed and Choreographed by Tommy Malek with Musical Direction by John Keister and Nathan Scavilla,

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Legally Blonde at Silhouette Stages

Love! They’re doing this for love! And love will see them through— the incredibly talented cast of Legally Blonde at Silhouette Stages! Yes, love! They’ve got a lot of love— and with love on their side they can’t lose! Now appearing in the Slayton House Theater of Wilde Lake Village Center, Silhouette Stages’ final production of the 2016/2017 season— Legally Blonde is here to show you a thing or to about pop-modern movie-musicals!

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Lucky Stiff at Silhouette Stages

Something funny’s going on and it isn’t very pretty.

This is how it all began: with a murder of a man!

In Columbia City, Maryland— something funny’s going on. There’s a lot I haven’t told yet— there’s a musical, a show, and it’s real important you go! To Silhouette Stages to see their production of Lucky Stiff, a delightfully humorous musical farce based on the book The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo by Michael Butterworth.

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