Articles Tagged With: Andrew R. Cohen

José J. Muñoz (center) and the cast of In The Heights at Signature Theatre 📷 DJ Corey Photography

In The Heights at Signature Theatre

With patience and faith we remain unafraid; Paciencia y fe! A more profound message could not be more true in our current climate where joy is in short supply, the future is questionable, and every day we wonder what terrifying headline will cross our news feeds. Lighting up the night sky with their emotionally illuminating production of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s In The Heights, Signature Theatre is sending this love-letter from the Washington Heights Barrio out to the world of Northern Virgina,

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The Wanderers at Theater J

Not all those who wander are lost; time has tested such a
proverb, but what if those who are lost don’t know they are wandering? Wandering
from their faith, wandering from their lives, wandering from themselves, life
is short and full of illusions, so who really understands whether or not they
are happy? An evocative and poignant new drama by Anna Ziegler wanders through
these notions, exploring the paths our lives take when we are lost and

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