Articles Tagged With: Anton Van De Motter

Tick, tick…BOOM! at Greenbelt Arts Center

Why do we seek out ecstasy in all the wrong places? A potent question that Jonathan Larson askes in his ‘starter musical’ Tick…tick, BOOM! Unpopular opinion, as this show tends to be potent enough for the ‘theatrical catnip crowd’ but if Larson had lived? This show would still be sitting on a shelf, collecting dust somewhere. Or at the very least been heavily rewritten, reconfigured, and modernized to feel somewhat more relevant and less self-aggrandizing/narcissistic pity-party.

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Be More Chill at Rockville Musical Theatre 📷 Faith Wang

Be More Chill at Rockville Musical Theatre

author: Chris Pence 

Voices in My Head: Be More Chill at Rockville Musical Theatre

It’s the classic high school drama: boy meets girl, boy fails to impress girl, boy takes pill containing supercomputer to become cooler, boy wins girl (at a cost.) Rockville Musical Theatre’s Be More Chill incorporates sci-fi, humor, and typical high school drama, to give audiences a new view on how technology and peer pressure mold students into the adults they learn to be during those endless teenage years.

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Heathers at Third Wall Productions ???? Matthew Peterson

Heathers at Third Wall Productions

Dear Diary,

My teenage angst bullsh*t now has a body count. But what’s your damage, Heather? Is your name even Heather? Just in case it isn’t, Third Wall Productions has a whole bunch of them (three to be in fact) with their fiery production of the screen-to-stage musical Heathers, now playing through April 14th 2024. Directed by Jake Schwarts with Musical Direction by Anton Van De Motter and Choreography by Kelly Williams Carlson,

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