Articles Tagged With: Bill Brown

Merrily We Roll Along at Damascus Theatre Company

author: Jake Schwartz

A show that spans multiple decades… but in reverse? Damascus Theatre Company presents Merrily We Roll Along at the famous Gaithersburg Arts Barn. Directed by Keith Edward, Merrily tells the story of three “old friends”, Franklin, Charlie, and Mary, and their writing journey. Edward’s direction was clear, the staging was clever, and his concept was fascinating (pay attention to the changes to the set over time.)


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The ensemble of Assassins at Silver Spring Stage ???? Nickolas Cummings

Assassins at Silver Spring Stage

author: Amanda N. Gunther

Angry men don’t write the rules and guns don’t right the wrongs. A debatable truth from “The Ballad of Booth” inside of a Sondheim show. What’s not up for debate is the caliber and quality of the production of Assassins now appearing live at Silver Spring Stage— their first musical in 27 years! And it’s quite the impressive feat considering it’s their first musical in nearly three decades and it’s a Sondheim to boot!

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Priscilla Queen of the Desert at Kensington Arts Theatre

Hello, Possums! Welcome to The Kensington Arts Theatre— the drag capitol of the world! Because they have the most dragulous show all lined up for you over these next few weekends! That’s right, Possums! It’s— *GASP* Priscilla Queen of the Desert! Directed by John Nunemaker with Musical Direction by Valerie A. Higgs and Choreography by Rikki Howie Lacewell, this area community theatre premiere has lots of dragtastic potential and a heart-warming story about embracing yourself no matter who you are!

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Lysistrata Jones at Red Branch Theatre Company

Oh, citizens of Columbia! What can a theatre give but love, love, love? And what can theatergoers do but watch, watch, watch? All’s fair in love in war at Red Branch Theatre Company as they bring the zany, high-octane musical Lysistrata Jones to their stage to jumpstart the back-half of the 2017 season! Directed by Stephanie Lynn Williams with Musical Direction by Dustin Merrell, this modern musical adaptation of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata is a summer sizzler fierier than the heat of Hades!

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Review: The Language Archive at Silver Spring Stage

What is language if not an act of faith? Take a leap into the language of the theatre and you’ll find yourself pleasantly pleased with Silver Spring Stage’s current production of Julia Cho’s The Language Archive. Directed by Joseph Coracle, this tender tale of words and love finds the soft spot of your heart and whispers the language of true understanding. A carefully crafted touching drama with an exceptional cast guiding the story through an ocean of linguistics,

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WATCH Award Nominations

It’s that time of year, folks! The Washington Area Theatre Community Honors have come around again to honor all of the truly exceptional theatre being performed in community venues across the Washington DC and surrounding metropolitan area. The 2014 award nominations were presented live this evening at The Birchmere in Alexandria, VA. 

There were 111 different productions– 34 musicals and 77 plays– adjudicated over in the 2014 theatrical season. 31 community theatre companies participated in WATCH adjudication in 2014.  

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