Articles Tagged With: Branden Jacobs-Jenkins

Appropriate at Silver Spring Stage

Are people anything more than porous vessels susceptible to
influence from— other people? Spirits? And is family really anything more than
mismatched memories or stories that you tell yourself when you feel a certain
way?’ What happens when the spirits of families past haunt you and influence
you right into a catastrophe? You get Branden Jacobs-Jenkins Appropriate, now on stage at Silver
Spring Stage, Directed by Jeff Mikoni. When tensions run high through the
estranged Lafayette family and historical ghosts of all sorts rise up from a
well-buried past in this intensely motived drama by Jacobs-Jenkins,

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Review: An Octoroon at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company

The fourth act of a play is known as “the sensation scene.” This is the point where the play unites the A-plot with the B-plot, crams the moral of the story down the audience’s throats, and then overwhelms the senses with something spectacular, usually a lot of smoke and flames. But what happens if you’ve not only overwhelmed the senses of your audience but completely shocked and stunned them with an unabashedly forward and unapologetically galvanizing performance charged with racial controversy?

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