Articles Tagged With: Charles Dickinson

Benjamin Hopkins as Hamlet 📷 Shealyn Jae Photography

Hamlet at The Bard’s Wagon Players

To go or not to go? That is the question! Technically it’s ‘be’ or ‘not be’ but with Shakespeare being hundreds of years of dead, I’m sure he’ll grant us this liberal creative license…especially considering what the world at large is doing to his canon from a musical standpoint! I won’t extoll and wax poetic like Polonius, earning me an eyeroll from Laertes and Ophelia, no I shall to the point as brevity is the soul of wit.

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Anastasia at Glyndon Area Players 📷 awgulphotography

Anastasia at Glyndon Area Players

(Sacred) Heart don’t fail them now! Courage won’t desert them! Step right up— now that you’re there! People always say— theatre’s full of good times— things to make you clap and cheer! See their stage and their cast— let them take you— on this journey…to the past! Now, if you sang that intro to this review against the tune in your head, we know you’re a true fan of Anastasia! The Grand Duchess Anastasia?

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Love/Sick at Spotlighters Theatre 📷 Jonathan Hemphill

Love/Sick at Spotlighters Theatre

Prescribed plans for wellness do not allow for love at first sight. But haven’t we all been there? Or at least seen our friends and family be there? Jumping into something when they shouldn’t based on nothing more than a glance across the Supercenter shopping aisle? Or not jumping out of something when they should have because there just wasn’t an easy way out? If you’re looking for a good evening of dark, laugh-out-loud comedy,

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