Articles Tagged With: Endangered Species Theatre Project

Indecent at Endangered Species Theatre Project

You go to the theatre for a little relief, to be a community of people who laugh together. Or perhaps in this case, clutch their hands to their hearts and cry together. God of Vengeance, a real play by Sholem Asch, written in 1906, was surrounded by controversy, and on March 8th 1923, the Broadway production was cut short when the entire cast, producer, and one of the theatre owners were arrested and indicted (and later convicted) on charges of obscenity…of indecency.

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Gillian Shelly (center) as Edna Pontellier and the ensemble of The Awakening with Endangered Species Theatre Project ???? Madeline Reinhold

The Awakening at Endangered Species (Theatre) Project

Resolved to never belong to anyone but herself, Edna Pontellier controlled her own destiny.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Picture it. A balmy, breezy, almost tropical evening on Grand Isle. Louisiana Gulf. Cottages. 1890’s. Summertime. Can you feel the sea breeze blowing in? Smell the scent of the water? Can you hear the French Creole dialect running thick like Cajun gumbo through the words that get spoken? You’ll picture it a whole lot better if you slip on over to Endangered Species Theatre Project this April to experience their extraordinary production of Rebecca Chace’s The Awakening.

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Becky’s New Car at Endangered Species Theatre Project

Isn’t it amazing the things we don’t know? Like that when a woman says she wants a new car, she really means she wants a new life! And you’re in for one heck of a ride with Becky’s New Car at Endangered Species Theatre Project this spring, settling into New Spire Arts in the heart of downtown Frederick. Directed by Rain Pryor, this oddly heartwarming farce, written by Steven Dietz, is just what everyone needs to shake up their end-of-winter-welcoming-spring routine.

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Endangered Species (theatre) Project

This green plot shall be their stage! And by this, tis meant
the Hodson Outdoor Theatre of Hood College, unless of course it rains, and then
there’s an indoor option, but speak not, yet mortals, of tempests— that’s
another Shakespeare altogether! Think instead upon the season, the season of
midsummer, and attend ye well to the first-annual Frederick Shakespeare
Festival, presenting productions by Endangered Species (theatre) Project, and
in this case the production be A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

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