Articles Tagged With: Fanny Rouge

Heavenly Bodies by Twisted Knickers Burlesque at Yellow Sign Theatre

Space: The Final Frontier. It is time to buckle in, hold onto your tentacles, and boldly go where no man has dared to go at Artscape 2016: aboard Starship Yellow Sign and into the vastly unexplored celestial spaces that is Burlesque Performance. Returning to their home planet of Yellow Sign Theatre, Twisted Knickers Burlesque arrived on the spacy scene with Heavenly Bodies, a show beyond the wildest imagination of even the most interplanetary dreamers!

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An Evening in Hampden: Twisted Knickers Burlesque Goes to the Prom

Spring is in the air and that can only mean one possible thing: it’s time for a sassy, classy evening affair with Twisted Knickers Burlesque! And what better way to celebrate the season than a Saturday night spent at Church & Company for An Evening in Hampden: Twisted Knickers Burlesque Goes to the Prom? Featuring the troupe’s managing producer, Tapitha Kix, as well as five fantastic other area burlesque performers, and a very special Vice Principal Lincoln emceeing the event,

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Love Stinks! A Twisted Knickers Burlesque Show at Church & Company

Fed up with that ooey-gooey Hallmark holiday? J. Geils Band hit the nail on the head with their 1980 album Love Stinks and the Twisted Knickers Burlesque troupe of Baltimore is taking it a step further by putting that notion into practice this Valentine’s Day season. It was a splendid evening for everyone who has ever felt the lows of love, the blues of being involved, or the general sentiment of suckage when it comes to the all-too-romantic month of February.

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