Articles Tagged With: Gene Valendo

No Laughing Matter at Greenbelt Arts Center

author: Leonard Taube

Feel like a laugh?  Want to get away from it all for a bit?  Got the urge to guffaw?  If you answer yes to all those questions, consider taking a field trip to the Roosevelt Center in historic Greenbelt where The Greenbelt Arts Center is putting on an original play entitled No Laughing Matter by local playwright Jeff Dunne.  But don’t let the title fool you.  This show is all about laughter and believe me there are laughs aplenty from the opening scene till curtain call.

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Sister Act at 2nd Star Productions 📷 Nate Jackson Photography

Sister Act at 2nd Star Productions

If you want the world to listen— stand up tall and proud— let them know what they been missing— and turn that volume up loud! 2nd Star Productions is raising their voice— ringing through the rafters with their production of Sister Act, which has a couple of matinee performances already sold out! Directed by Kevin Sockwell, with Musical Direction by Michelle Bruno, and Choreography by Kristin Rigsby, this cinema-classic-come-stage-musical is a bit of joyful noise that will give you a case of Sunday morning fever.

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Out of the Blue at Laurel Mill Playhouse

author: Chris Pence

Where Were You when The World Stopped Turning: Out of The Blue at Laurel Mill Players


“September 11th, 2001, revealed heroism in ordinary people who might have gone through their lives never called upon to demonstrate the extent of their courage.”

– Geraldine Brooks


Everyone remembers where they were on that blue cloudless day in September when the Twin Towers fell,

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(L to R) Cheryl Thompson as Cynthia, Brian Binney as Stan, Rose Talbot as Jessie, and Pamela Northrup as Tracey in Sweat. ????2nd Star Productions

Sweat at 2nd Star Productions

Nostalgia is a disease. Sounds bitter and jaded, right? Or maybe it’s a lens of reality that should be more closely examined— lingering too long in the past can make it difficult to progress into the future. 2nd Star Productions, in shared residence at Bowie Playhouse, is currently producing Sweat, written by the Pulitzer-prize-winning playwright, Lynn Nottage. Directed by Miss Cody Jones, the play itself is a powerful social commentary about classism,

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The Last Night of Ballyhoo at Bowie Community Theatre

As I
watched The Last Night of Ballyhoo, written by Alfred Uhry and directed
by Ilene Chalmers, at the Bowie Community Theatre, I had a thought somewhere during
Act I, Scene 4: “This play really is about something.” This is
not to say that I disliked the production before that; even before coming to
that revelation I would have acknowledged the stellar set and the faultless
performances from the cast.

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A Christmas Story at St. Gabriel Miracle Players

You’ll shoot your eye out! You’ll shoot your eye out! You’ll shoot your eye out when you hear just how many different theatres are all doing A Christmas Story this Christmas season!! BUT— fear not! St. Gabriel Miracle Players are the first AND they are the only ones to be doing the non-musical version! So you won’t find any leg-lamp kick-lines at St. Gabriel’s this November, but you will find a talented bunch of youngsters and youngsters at heart doing their seasonal magic on the Miracle Players’ stage to bring you that timeless— since 1983— tale of little Ralphie,

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Lucky Stiff at Colonial Players

“Well, I suppose there are two ways to look at this I mean, true I am here in a foreign country with a dead man in a wheelchair, trying to pretend that nothing is wrong, and having to do all sorts of things I don’t even want to think about. On the other hand, this is a chance to earn a great deal of money in a very short time. So, for once in my life I shall think positive I will think positive.” – Harry Witherspoon

I’m positive that you will have a wonderful time at Colonial Players’ Lucky Stiff,

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Review: Kiss Me, Kate at 2nd Star Productions

Brush up your Shakespeare! You might need it to thoroughly enjoy each and every hysterical joke featured in 2nd Star Productions current performance of Kiss Me, Kate, the musical whose focus revolves around the Bard’s Taming of the Shrew. Directed by Roy Hammond with Musical Direction Joe Biddle, the show is a smash-hit sensation with an extraordinarily talented cast that makes an afternoon at the theatre thoroughly enjoyable.

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