Articles Tagged With: Helen Cheng Mao

Romeo & Juliette at Laurel Mill Playhouse

author: Chris Pence

A Rose By Any Other Name: Romeo & Juliette at Laurel Mill Playhouse

“Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene.”1 It’s the classic tale of love and loss, hate and betrayal, ancient grudges to new mutiny, “[w]here civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life.”1 Jacqueline Youm breathes new life into the tale as old as time itself with Romeo &

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Aparna Sri (left) as Lady Macbeth and Jaki Demarest (right) as Macbeth ???? Constantia Rioux

Macbeth at The Rude Mechanicals

“Such welcome and unwelcome things at once ‘tis hard to reconcile.” Macduff, ActIVsc.iii

I spent hours trying to find the way I felt about the current Rude Mechanical’s production of Shakespeare’s Macbeth only to have Billy Bard having already wrapped it up for me more than halfway through the show. This particular production is a balancing act of strong performances, questionable conceptualizations, impressive technological inclusions, mismatched aesthetics, and a barrage of death,

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