Articles Tagged With: Jamie Kim

Pippin at Artistic Synergy

Pippin at Artistic Synergy

Sets. Costumes. Lights. Magic. They’ve actually got all of those things. Which is pretty dang impressive all things considered. Artistic Synergy of Baltimore is razzle-dazzling with their current production of Pippin, directed by Broadus Nesbitt with Musical Direction by Charlotte Evans and Choreography by Samantha Reynolds. Lending itself to the cobbled-together nature that church-basement-community theatre is often expected to present, this production of Pippin sets the bar high with its full and resonant ensemble,

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Cast of The Music Man at Third Wall Productions đź“· Images Production Co.

The Music Man at Third Wall Productions

Four venues and seven years ago— they had trouble! Right there in Bawlmer County. And they’re at it again! Further up here in Bawlmer County…which starts with a B and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool! Them rootin’ tootin’ gosh-darn Iowa-stubborn Third Wallers certainly know the territory! And they’re bringing you a rollicking good musical theatre classic— Meredith Wilson’s The Music Man. With 76 trombones! (Well…one trombone, played by Harry B.

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Once Upon A Mattress at Third Wall Productions đź“· Kristen Cooley

Once Upon a Mattress at Third Wall Productions

Fill the moat to overflowing and raise the goblet high! Third Wall Productions is giving a ball— wait…no…no that’s not right. They’re building a wall— around the swamp? No…wait a minute…which fairytale-ever-after is this one? (*double checks the program*) Aah! Yes! Once Upon a Mattress! The original swamp-princess and a silly good time with campy good characters, up-tempo music, and a living pea! Directed by Kristen Cooley, with Musical Direction by Will Zellhofer,

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Sweeney Todd at Rogue Swan Theatre Company ???? James Craig

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street at Rogue Swan Theatre Company

The more he bleeds the more he lives…he never forgets and he never forgives…not Sweeney… not Sweeney Todd…and you do not wish to be on his hit list, I assure you. Rogue Swan Theatre Company, celebrating their ten-year anniversary, has gone all out— not just the spacious stage and auditorium of Havre de Grace’s STAR Centre— but they’re producing Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street on said STAR Centre’s mainstage and this beast of a Sondheim musical is waiting with glistening razor edge and an unusually unique Rogue Swan hallmark stamped across its existence.

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Anastasia at Glyndon Area Players ???? awgulphotography

Anastasia at Glyndon Area Players

(Sacred) Heart don’t fail them now! Courage won’t desert them! Step right up— now that you’re there! People always say— theatre’s full of good times— things to make you clap and cheer! See their stage and their cast— let them take you— on this journey…to the past! Now, if you sang that intro to this review against the tune in your head, we know you’re a true fan of Anastasia! The Grand Duchess Anastasia?

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Jesus Christ Superstar at Third Wall Productions ???? Kristin Rigsby

Jesus Christ Superstar at Third Wall Productions

Third Wall Productions, you know I love you. Did you see I waved? I believe in you and your show so tell me that I’m saved! If you’re ready to rock and roll along with the best of them, Third Wall Productions is bringing you that iconic Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Jesus Christ Superstar and it’s the most solid production that they’ve had so far! (In their new home at Chestnut Grove Presbyterian.) Directed by Mike Zellhofer,

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