Articles Tagged With: Jeremy Goldman

Kinky Boots at Silhouette Stages 📷 Shealynn Jae Photography

Kinky Boots at Silhouette Stages

Shoes can protect a man’s journey but only his heart can choose the path. And your heart will take you on the path to Silhouette Stages and their impressive production of Kinky Boots! Directed by Jeremy Goldman with Musical Direction by Matthew Dohm and Choreography by Jeremy A. McShan, this much-needed story of accepting people for who they are is chock-a-block with talent, packed full of energy, enthusiasm, and will have you lit like a live wire by evening’s end.

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Seth Fallon (left) as George with Xander Conte (center) and Henry Cyr (right) in The Wedding Singer. ????Ana Johns

The Wedding Singer at Silhouette Stages

I’m going to be honest. I’m not Adam Sandler’s biggest fan— or even really a fan, period— by any stretch of the imagination. I don’t like most of his movies, I think he thinks he’s funnier than he actually is, and on the whole, although we’re living in the  golden “Oprah Era” of musicals (“…you get a musical, you get a musical, you get a musical, everybody gets a musical!”) and this particular one is not ‘new’ per se,

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Something Old; Something New; Something Borrowed; Something Blue: An Interview with Jeremy Goldman about The Wedding Singer at Silhouette Stages

Is it your wedding day? Do you hear music starting to play? Because love is going to find you! Love of musical theatre that is! It’s a retro-toss-back to the 80’s, baby! Silhouette Stages is putting on a big ol’ wedding— well— they’re putting on a big ol’ production of a wedding with the musical The Wedding Singer. Something old? That’s the 80’s. Something new? Jeremy Goldman…who is new to directing. Something borrowed?

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Gentlemen Prefer Blondes at The Heritage Players

Baltimore is full of theatre shows; some comedies, some with
duels, but I prefer a company that produces flashy jewels! A show on your stage
might be quite continental— but “in concerts” are your new best friend! At
least, they are for The Heritage Players this winter. On their third annual “musical
in concert” The Heritage Players breathes new life into a golden oldie— Gentlemen
Prefer Blondes
. Directed and Choreographed by Tommy Malek (with Lori

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James and The Giant Peach at Heritage Players

Close your eyes and try to conceive, the most outrageous story to ever be believed! If you can just believe, it’s beautifully bizarre, a story about a boy— and a giant peach, and that’s just the way things are! Right before your eyes— James and The Giant Peach is now appearing on stage at The Heritage Players as their summer engagement. Directed by Elizabeth Tane Kanner with Musical Direction by Emily Taylor &

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Look Out. Look Out! LOOK OUT! Little Shop of Horrors Invades Purple Light Theatre Company

On the 16th day

Of the month of August

In an early year of a decade

Not too long before our own

The Baltimore Theatre Scene

Suddenly encountered

A vivacious resurgence

To its very existence!

And this nearly-forgotten company surfaced

As such companies often do

With the seemingly most innocent

And unlikely of productions…


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Review: Young Frankenstein at Silhouette Stages

Have you heard about the mania? If not, then let me explain-iya, popping up in Columb-ania— yes, sir! It’s the Transylvania Mania! And it’s making its way across Silhouette Stages this October in the guise of And it’s making its way across Silhouette Stages this October in the guise of the new Mel Brooks’ musical, Young Frankenstein. Directed and Choreographed by Tommy Malek with Musical Direction by Nathan C. Scavilla, it’s a doozy— it’ll make you woozy— this masterpiece and phenomenon!

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Review: Next to Normal at Silhouette Stages

It’s just another day, and it’s gonna be good at Silhouette Stages as they live life on a latte and a prayer while getting Next to Normal underway as their final production of the 2015/2016 theatrical season. Featuring the Pulitzer prize-winning Book and Lyrics by Brian Yorkey and Music by Tom Kitt, this emotionally evocative rock musical has a brilliant score, sensational songs, and a visual concept delivered through projection that drives home the emotional connections of the show’s overarching themes with stunning clarity.

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Review: Hairspray at Purple Light Theatre Company

You can’t stop the beat as it bursts open in all the glory of the 60’s at the Purple Light Theatre Company this summer! Hairspray, the musical of Baltimore, is making a rampant return to the stage with this summer-based company, and bringing the nicest kids in town to the stage. Directed by the company’s Artistic Director, Tommy Malek, with Musical Direction by Benjamin Nabinger and Nathan Scavilla, the well-loved musical is shaking up local audiences with its spectacular dance routines,

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Review: Spamalot at Silhouette Stages

Life is really up to you, you must choose what to pursue! Set your mind on what to find and you’ll find an epically entertaining production of Monty Python’s Spamalot at Silhouette Stages in Columbia. Directed by Debbie Mobley and Conni Ross, with Musical Direction by Michael Tan, the humor of Monty Python, Book and Lyrics of Eric Idle, and Music of John Du Prez come shining through to the brighter side of life on the narrow stage of Slayton House.

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