Articles Tagged With: Jessie Krupkin

Kinky Boots at Silhouette Stages đŸ“· Shealynn Jae Photography

Kinky Boots at Silhouette Stages

Shoes can protect a man’s journey but only his heart can choose the path. And your heart will take you on the path to Silhouette Stages and their impressive production of Kinky Boots! Directed by Jeremy Goldman with Musical Direction by Matthew Dohm and Choreography by Jeremy A. McShan, this much-needed story of accepting people for who they are is chock-a-block with talent, packed full of energy, enthusiasm, and will have you lit like a live wire by evening’s end.

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Deathtrap at Spotlighters Theatre

Oh the weather outside is frightful— truly, we just finished having 80Âș days in mid-November— but the fire is so delightful— and it is, it looks so realistic you might think those are actual manuscripts going up in smoke— and they’re finally open so you can cheer and claps— go to Spots, go to see Deathtrap. The nature of live theatre being what it is, the grand opening of this Ira Levin stage thriller under the superb direction of Stephen Foreman,

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The SpongeBob Musical at Silhouette Stages. ???? Stasia Steuart Photography

The SpongeBob Musical at Silhouette Stages

It’s the best day ever! The best daaaay eveeer— but only if you’ve got your tickets to see Silhouette Stages’ production of The SpongeBob Musical! Campy and wholesome, this quirky little diamond-in-the-kelp musical comedy is suitable for all ages and is bubbling over with talent, enthusiasm, and a great deal of F-U-N to be had by all! Co-Directed by Debbie Mobley and Robyn Yakaitis, with Musical Direction by Mari Hill, and Choreography by Tori Worth,

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Matt Wetzel (left) and Geraden Ward (right) on interview night, pre-rehearsal for SpongeBob: The Musical at Silhouette Stages

Nautical Nonsense: An Interview with Matt Wetzel & Geraden Ward on playing SpongeBob & Patrick at Silhouette Stages

If nautical nonsense be something you wish—

Then hop on the deck and flop like a fish!!

 maybe less fish-flopping and more
 box-office buying? Yep. That’s the ticket. You can fish-flop to the Silhouette Stages Box Office (online!) and get your tickets to their upcoming production of SpongeBob: The Musical. Touching, hilarious, and full of heart— this zany, cartoon-come-stage-musical is splashing into Columbia and we’ve got the scoop from SpongeBob and Patrick Star!

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Seth Fallon (left) as George with Xander Conte (center) and Henry Cyr (right) in The Wedding Singer. ????Ana Johns

The Wedding Singer at Silhouette Stages

I’m going to be honest. I’m not Adam Sandler’s biggest fan— or even really a fan, period— by any stretch of the imagination. I don’t like most of his movies, I think he thinks he’s funnier than he actually is, and on the whole, although we’re living in the  golden “Oprah Era” of musicals (“
you get a musical, you get a musical, you get a musical, everybody gets a musical!”) and this particular one is not ‘new’ per se,

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Calendar Girls at Silhouette Stages

The flowers of Columbia are like the women in the theatres of Columbia. Every stage of their growth has its own beauty, but the last phase is always the most glorious. And after two-years of growing this phenomenal theatrical flower, Silhouette Stages is finally ready for their production of Calendar Girls to bloom upon the stage in all of its radiant glory. Directed by Conni Trump Ross, this heartwarming, evocative play by Tim Firth is the perfect way for Silhouette Stages to welcome back audiences to live,

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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum at Silhouette Stages

While there’s nothing that’s formal and nothing that’s normal, there is something for everyone at Silhouette Stages—a true comedy tonight! Old situations! New complications! Nothing portentous or polite! There may be tragedy tomorrow but, thankfully, there is A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum tonight! Smartly directed by Conni Ross, with superb Musical Direction by William Georg, and entertaining Choreography by Tina DeSimone and her assistant Maddie Bohrer,

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Lindsey Litka (left) as Allison and Michael Nugent (right) as Wade "Cry Baby" Walker

Cry Baby at Silhouette Stages

It’s a beautiful day for an anti-polio picnic! It’s a beautiful day to get a polio shot! And if you’re in for all that plus an insanely good production, well then at Silhouette Stage, you’ve come to the right spot! Watch your a$$ and do take care because there’s talent lurking everywhere all throughout Silhouette Stage’s production of Cry Baby: The Musical. Directed and Choreographed by Tommy Malek with Musical Direction by John Keister and Nathan Scavilla,

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