Articles Tagged With: Joey “Twoplaids” Martin

The Terrible Secret of Lunastus at Baltimore Rock Opera Society

As foretold by The Argus, in Chapter 9, Section Beta, Paragraph Crimson, Sub-paragraph Python, Verse #69— all denizens of Baltimore will report to the Zion Lutheran Chruch between the dates of NOW and October 8, 2017* to experience The Terrible Secret of Lunastus! Not even the forces that be can stop The Baltimore Rock Opera Society from getting a show up and produced this year! Revitalizing, resurging, and remounting the 2011 production of The Terrible Secret of Lunastus,

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Review: Brides of Tortuga at Baltimore Rock Opera Society

Taut sails and fair winds! Load the cannons and hone blades— you’re bound for Tortuga! Baltimore Rock Opera Society is taking to the high seas with their second all-original work of 2016, Brides of Tortuga. Debuting on the successful tailwinds of Chronoshred: The Adventures of Stardust Lazerdong and the remount of Amphion, this swarthy conclusion of the 2016 season serves as a female-empowering vessel of nautical revelry with great creative potential sprinkled liberally throughout the production.

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