Articles Tagged With: Lanoree Blake

Ryan Geiger as Shrek in Shrek at Phoenix Festival Theatre 📷 Matthew Peterson Photography

Shrek at Phoenix Festival Theatre

They’re gonna shake you! They’re gonna bake you! A donkey! Pot! Whoopsie. That’s the wrong iteration of that show…now let’s see here…I made the left onto Thomas Run Road…got turned around at Maleficent’s castle— oh! Oh there it is. Phoenix Festival Theatre! Hiding out at The Amoss Center with their production of Shrek the musical! (Which does not include “Donkey Pot Pie”, not even sure that song ever made it off Broadway!) Directed by Emily Jewett with Musical Direction by Mia Bray and Choreography by Samantha Jednorski,

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Michael Bliss as Ash in Evil Dead: The Musical 📷 Matthew Peterson

Evil Dead: The Musical at Deer in the Spotlight

Don’t you wanna join the crew? You’ll be all dead and evil too! JOIN THEM!! JOIN THEM!!

It’s an annual tradition like Christmas Carol or Rocky Horror only so much more bad-ass and way more fun because of the…

Yes. Blood. For their ninth year— Evil Dead: The Musical returns (Deer in the Spotlight is producing this in the creepy back-gym of Havre de Grace’s STAR Centre this year) to get you SOAKED…if you’re seated in the splash zone.

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The Wolves at Spotlighters Theatre ???? Matthew Peterson

The Wolves at Spotlighters Theatre

You know you’re going to be in for a night when the characters in the program don’t actually have names. Buckle up, bicycle kick, and get ready to go for— goal— with The Wolves by Sarah DeLappe now officially open at Spotlighters Theatre as the last main-stage show of their 61st season. Directed by Lanoree Blake, this 90-minute, no-intermission, theatrical exploration gives you glimpses into the lives of teenage girls and their indoor-soccer-dominated world.

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Heathers at Third Wall Productions ???? Matthew Peterson

Heathers at Third Wall Productions

Dear Diary,

My teenage angst bullsh*t now has a body count. But what’s your damage, Heather? Is your name even Heather? Just in case it isn’t, Third Wall Productions has a whole bunch of them (three to be in fact) with their fiery production of the screen-to-stage musical Heathers, now playing through April 14th 2024. Directed by Jake Schwarts with Musical Direction by Anton Van De Motter and Choreography by Kelly Williams Carlson,

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The Nine Nutballs of DitS' "Evil Dead: The Musical- 2023 Edition" with the reviewer that got bled all over (center, Mandy Gunther) ???? Lithia Knopp

Evil Dead: The Musical at Deer In The Spotlight Productions

Forget about the Time Warp! And the Monster Mash’s no good!

You’ll have a much better trip rolling with these five to their CABIN IN THE WOOOOOOOODS!

Hi, I’m Amanda. And I work at S-Mart run a reviewing site that has all your theatrical ‘in-the-know’ needs (just like S-Mart only with fewer tires and frozen fish sticks.) I also can’t count (which is why I chose a profession in theatre.) Evil Dead: The Musical is now in its seventh year of production!

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Mike Bliss/Dorian Gray as Ash with the cast of Evil Dead at Deer in the Spotlight. ????Matthew Peterson

Evil Dead: The Musical at Deer In The Spotlight

Look who’s evil now!! Wait— no— they’ve always been evil. Evil Dead: The Musical, that is. Deer In The Spotlight Productions returns for its annual Charm City tradition of bathing audiences in blood, blasting music and guts (quite literally) all over their Deadite-fan-groupies, and a hellishly good time guaranteed.* Directed by Bob Denton with Musical Direction by Shane Jensen, and choreography shambled, re-animated, and assembled by Tigga Smaller, Parker Bailey Steven, and Lanoree Blake,

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Mary-Kate Olsen Is In Love at Strand Theatre

The current production at the Strand Theatre caused me to reflect on not who I am, but rather who I think I am. We all do it. Whether it is second guessing yourself, staying inside not because of COVID but for fear of being seen, or even trying to live up to what we think society wants us to be. Bottom line is we are far quicker to see the worth in someone else before we see it in ourselves.

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The Deer in the Spotlight Productions company of Evil Dead: The Musical (2019) Photo: Matthew Peterson

Evil Dead: The Musical at Deer in the Spotlight Productions

Deadites always like to get their freak on! And when they
get together, they do the NECRONOMICON!!! It’s that time of year— that’s right,
fellow S-Mart shoppers! Time to pick up your BOOM Stick, lend good ol’ Ash a
hand, and— what the f*ck was that!? OH. It was Deer in the Spotlight Productions
bringing their sold-out sensational annual production of Evil Dead: The
to Baltimore for just two weekends this October.

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Vinegar Tom at Spotlighters Theatre

Sometimes, it’s all in the
timing. When the circles of life coincide with your best efforts, everyone
wins. There is a history of shows that premiered to little or no hoopla, but
when revived later in a different political or social climate, felt way more
relevant and meaningful. The most popular example is Kander & Ebb’s classic
musical Chicago. Opening in 1975
under the direction of Bob Fosse and starring dual leading legends Gwen Verdon
and Chita Rivera,

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Evil Dead: The Musical at Deer in the Spotlight Productions

What the f**k was that?!? The theatre’s filled with zombies!

What the f**k was that?!? And there’s blood upon your shoe!

It can only be the cult classic Evil Dead: The Musical reincarnated for its third year, now appearing live with Deer in the Spotlight Productions! This year with TWO BLOODY LOCATIONS. Directed by Bob Denton & Bambi Johnson, with Musical Direction by Shane Jensen,

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Love, Loss, and What I Wore at Spotlighters Theatre

It was a white dress with pink floral patterns all over it, A-frame and 50’s vintage style cut with a singular crinoline layer that peaked out from the bottom. I wore it with a pink hat dotted in flowers and pearls, the hat that my partner calls “…that flower bucket on your head…” I got the dress in Vegas, at a retro-chic wannabe vintage shop called Rockin’ Betty’s over in the Arts District— that’s off the strip— on the last Sunday of our family trip there.

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Sweet Charity at The Heritage Players

Hey Big Spender! Spend a little time… with Heritage Player’s latest production, Sweet Charity! Based on Federico Fellini’s screenplay Nights of Cabiria, with music by Cy Coleman, lyrics by Dorothy Fields, and book by Neil Simon, Sweet Charity is the 1966 musical about a starry-eyed young woman who’s looking for love in all the wrong places. The show revolves around the ever hopeful and aptly named Charity Hope Valentine,

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Origin of the Species at The Strand Theatre

Archeology is not a science, but an art. It is the art of knowing where to look and what to look for and going to find it. Put on your Doctor Jones hat and join the archeological excursion for extraordinary women’s theatre this fall as The Strand Theatre delves into the ancient past with Bryony Lavory’s Origin of the Species. Directed by Erin Riley, this thought-provoking tale puts a new spin on history and how we as humans,

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She Kills Monsters at Spotlighters Theatre

The epic quest for epic theatre in Baltimore City has been going for as long as theatergoers have been seeking it out: since the dawn of theatrical time! The holy grail of theatrical mother-loads has landed at The Audrey Herman Spotlighters Theatre and it’s slaying— literally! She Kills Monsters by Qui Nguyen and Directed by Stephanie Miller, is exactly what thespians of Charm City have been seeking! Under-produced and rarely seen productions?

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The Women at Spotlighters Theatre

Pride is a luxury a woman in love cannot afford. And the devilish lengths a woman in love will go to in order to maintain that love is unseemly and unsightly to the modern feminist. But in the world of Clare Booth Luce’s The Women, where the utmost priority for the women of society was maintaining a marriage and quashing scandals before they could rise, it’s quite a different story. Directed by Fuzz Roark,

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