Articles Tagged With: Larry Engel

Cast of The Music Man at Third Wall Productions đź“· Images Production Co.

The Music Man at Third Wall Productions

Four venues and seven years ago— they had trouble! Right there in Bawlmer County. And they’re at it again! Further up here in Bawlmer County…which starts with a B and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool! Them rootin’ tootin’ gosh-darn Iowa-stubborn Third Wallers certainly know the territory! And they’re bringing you a rollicking good musical theatre classic— Meredith Wilson’s The Music Man. With 76 trombones! (Well…one trombone, played by Harry B.

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Once Upon A Mattress at Third Wall Productions đź“· Kristen Cooley

Once Upon a Mattress at Third Wall Productions

Fill the moat to overflowing and raise the goblet high! Third Wall Productions is giving a ball— wait…no…no that’s not right. They’re building a wall— around the swamp? No…wait a minute…which fairytale-ever-after is this one? (*double checks the program*) Aah! Yes! Once Upon a Mattress! The original swamp-princess and a silly good time with campy good characters, up-tempo music, and a living pea! Directed by Kristen Cooley, with Musical Direction by Will Zellhofer,

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The Pirates of Penzance at Artistic Synergy of Baltimore ???? ASoB

The Pirates of Penzance at Artistic Synergy of Baltimore

The Very Model of a Modern Major Musical: Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance at Artistic Synergy of Baltimore

 W.S. Gilbert & Arthur Sullivan’s classic comedic opera comes to life at Artistic Synergy of Baltimore! The Pirates of Penzance follows hopeful orphan Frederic in his mistaken apprenticeship with a wild band of singing, dancing pirates! Frederic’s story takes a drastic turn when he falls in love with Mabel,

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