Articles Tagged With: Leslie Johnson

The Odd Couple (Female Edition) at The Salem Players 📷 Tim Toscano

The Odd Couple (Female Version) at The Salem Players

author: Leonard Taube

It’s odd how things sometimes just tend to work out in the world of theatre.  Take Neil Simon’s play The Odd Couple for instance.  Following the shenanigans of mismatched roommates Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison, Simon’s comedy not only premiered on Broadway in 1965, but went on spawn a film version in 1968 and a popular television series in the 1970’s.  Since then, it’s spawned several revivals,

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Doctor Doolittle at The Salem Players

Dr. Doolittle at The Salem Players

It is the trial of the century! Every juicy piece of gossip you could imagine is wrapped up neatly, just waiting to be unraveled. There are men, women, and a strange woman. There are cops, judges, bailiffs, and animals. What? Animals? Yes, animals! In fact, some can even talk to them. Curious? Then you must see Doctor Dolittle being presented by The Salem Players.

 Director Jen Sizer takes the ball to direct her first musical and delivers a touchdown.

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