Articles Tagged With: Lia Molony

Anastasia at Glyndon Area Players ???? awgulphotography

Anastasia at Glyndon Area Players

(Sacred) Heart don’t fail them now! Courage won’t desert them! Step right up— now that you’re there! People always say— theatre’s full of good times— things to make you clap and cheer! See their stage and their cast— let them take you— on this journey…to the past! Now, if you sang that intro to this review against the tune in your head, we know you’re a true fan of Anastasia! The Grand Duchess Anastasia?

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Matilda at Small Town Stars Theatre Company

Matilda at Small Town Stars Theatre Company

We’re told we have to do what we’re told, but surely sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty! Like doing all those things you shouldn’t do— reading books, loving musicals, and going to Small Town Stars Theatre Company’s production of Matilda! Those are all naughty little things you absolutely should be doing— and the third thing on that list you should definitely be doing this weekend! Directed by Joel Roberson with Musical Direction by Kelly Stoneberger,

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Fr. Gerard Francik (left) as Jacob, with Henry Cyr (center) as Joseph, and Colleen Esposito (right) as Narrator, and the cast of Joseph &... ????Alison Jones

Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Glyndon Area Players

Do you remember the good years in Glyndon? The summers were endlessly gold! The gymnasium was a patchwork of set pieces and costumes; there were songs being sung wherever you’d go. It’s funny, but since the Pandemic, they’d gone to the other extreme— for two years they were dark and sad! And how we missed them oh so bad— but now they’re back! (YES!!) And telling— Joseph’s Dream! Those Glyndon days! Are here to stay!

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