Articles Tagged With: Matt Wolffe

Ryan Geiger as Shrek in Shrek at Phoenix Festival Theatre đŸ“· Matthew Peterson Photography

Shrek at Phoenix Festival Theatre

They’re gonna shake you! They’re gonna bake you! A donkey! Pot! Whoopsie. That’s the wrong iteration of that show
now let’s see here
I made the left onto Thomas Run Road
got turned around at Maleficent’s castle— oh! Oh there it is. Phoenix Festival Theatre! Hiding out at The Amoss Center with their production of Shrek the musical! (Which does not include “Donkey Pot Pie”, not even sure that song ever made it off Broadway!) Directed by Emily Jewett with Musical Direction by Mia Bray and Choreography by Samantha Jednorski,

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Michael Bliss as Ash in Evil Dead: The Musical đŸ“· Matthew Peterson

Evil Dead: The Musical at Deer in the Spotlight

Don’t you wanna join the crew? You’ll be all dead and evil too! JOIN THEM!! JOIN THEM!!

It’s an annual tradition like Christmas Carol or Rocky Horror only so much more bad-ass and way more fun because of the


Yes. Blood. For their ninth year— Evil Dead: The Musical returns (Deer in the Spotlight is producing this in the creepy back-gym of Havre de Grace’s STAR Centre this year) to get you SOAKED
if you’re seated in the splash zone.

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The Nine Nutballs of DitS' "Evil Dead: The Musical- 2023 Edition" with the reviewer that got bled all over (center, Mandy Gunther) ???? Lithia Knopp

Evil Dead: The Musical at Deer In The Spotlight Productions

Forget about the Time Warp! And the Monster Mash’s no good!

You’ll have a much better trip rolling with these five to their CABIN IN THE WOOOOOOOODS!

Hi, I’m Amanda. And I work at S-Mart run a reviewing site that has all your theatrical ‘in-the-know’ needs (just like S-Mart only with fewer tires and frozen fish sticks.) I also can’t count (which is why I chose a profession in theatre.) Evil Dead: The Musical is now in its seventh year of production!

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Mike Bliss/Dorian Gray as Ash with the cast of Evil Dead at Deer in the Spotlight. ????Matthew Peterson

Evil Dead: The Musical at Deer In The Spotlight

Look who’s evil now!! Wait— no— they’ve always been evil. Evil Dead: The Musical, that is. Deer In The Spotlight Productions returns for its annual Charm City tradition of bathing audiences in blood, blasting music and guts (quite literally) all over their Deadite-fan-groupies, and a hellishly good time guaranteed.* Directed by Bob Denton with Musical Direction by Shane Jensen, and choreography shambled, re-animated, and assembled by Tigga Smaller, Parker Bailey Steven, and Lanoree Blake,

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Newsies at Street Lamp Productions

Now is the time seize the day! Or in this case, “Carpe scaena!” And seize the stage like they did! Street Lamp Productions presentation of Disney’s Newsies, Directed and Choreographed by Bambi Johnson, is well worth the drive to Rising Sun, MD. I reckon it may be a bit out of the way for some Baltimore City folk, (Admittedly, had my mother not lived in Colora for over eleven years, I may not have known about it either.) but I promise you it’s worth the trip.

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Evil Dead: The Musical at Deer in the Spotlight Productions

There are five college students jammed in a car— on spring break vacation and they’re going really far! join them. They are five college students on their way to an old abandoned cottage in the woods! Join Them. What could possibly go wrong? JOOOOIIIN THEEEEM!!! Deer in the Spotlight Productions is striking up its annual tradition of Evil Dead: The Musical, this year appearing in the black box stage space of Street Lamp Productions.

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Review: Avenue Q at Phoenix Festival Theatre

There is life outside your apartment, I know it’s hard to conceive. But there is life outside your apartment! And you’re only gonna see it if you leave! There is cool shit to do, but it can’t come to you, and who knows, dude, you might even score— tickets to Phoenix Festival Theater Company’s production of Avenue Q if you’re lucky! For a limited two-weekend engagement, the zany Off-Broadway musical sensation is eking out a home on Thomas Run Road and is providing barrels full of laughter for everyone in attendance.

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