Articles Tagged With: Shrek

Ryan Geiger as Shrek in Shrek at Phoenix Festival Theatre 📷 Matthew Peterson Photography

Shrek at Phoenix Festival Theatre

They’re gonna shake you! They’re gonna bake you! A donkey! Pot! Whoopsie. That’s the wrong iteration of that show…now let’s see here…I made the left onto Thomas Run Road…got turned around at Maleficent’s castle— oh! Oh there it is. Phoenix Festival Theatre! Hiding out at The Amoss Center with their production of Shrek the musical! (Which does not include “Donkey Pot Pie”, not even sure that song ever made it off Broadway!) Directed by Emily Jewett with Musical Direction by Mia Bray and Choreography by Samantha Jednorski,

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Shrek at Charm City Players

I thought that love was only true in fairytales…. Then I saw Shrek, directed by Stephen Napp, at Charm City Players and now I’m a believer! The Charm City Players are in residence at the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Auditorium at Mercy High School.

If it were possible to capture the very definition of “collaborative theatre”, then there would have to be a reference to Charm City Players. From the moment that you walk into the theatre,

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Shrek at Dundalk Community Theatre

Story of my life! Another Shrekin’ show! Seen ‘em all before— but this one you should know— they’re brought the makin’ the story of their life, oh yeah! You should go out and see Shrek, yes sir! That’s— the story— of this— taaaaale. Shrek! If you’ve seen one then you’ve seen them all, you may have even seen this exact Shrek & Donkey combo before, but Dundalk Community Theatre already knew that and really stepped up their game to reimagine,

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Review: Good People at Colonial Players

Good people are all around us but sometimes, for various reasons, they can be hard to spot. However, you will have no problem spotting them at Colonial Players of Annapolis’ current production of Good People, written by David Lindsay-Abaire and Directed by Edd Miller. You may be familiar with Lindsay-Abaire’s work such as the 2007 Pulitzer Prize winning drama Rabbit Hole and the clever and hilarious book for Shrek,

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Review: Shrek at Glyndon Area Players

Things are looking up here, in Glyndon— just take a look! The things they’re cooking up here, in Glyndon— they like to cook! (theatrically, that is) A musical that amazes— a show with many phases! Bahm, bahm, bahm, bahm, bahm, oh, things are looking up here, in Glyndon! Late to the party, but they’re doing what love with their one-show conga line, the Glyndon Area Players proudly presents their 18th annual summer musical, Shrek.

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The cast in its entirety of 1776 at Toby's Dinner Theatre

Vote Yes: Inside Independence Hall with MaryKate Brouillet and Santina Maiolatesi

Pins. Saltpeter. Does love and marriage have a place in pre-revolutionary America? One had better hope so otherwise Abigail Adams and Martha Jefferson will serve no purpose in Peter Stone and Sherman Edwards’ 1776. In the sixth installment of Vote Yes: Inside Independence Hall, TheatreBloom sits down with Santina Maiolatesi and MaryKate Brouillet, the only two female performers in 1776 to find out what it’s like to be a part of the independency revolution as a woman.

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Let’s Not Talk About Anything Else But Fester: An Interview with the first Female Uncle Fester

It’s creepy and it’s kooky! Mysterious and spooky! All-together ookey, that’s The Addams Family! Now a major hit musical that is playing absolutely everywhere, it’s settling into Dundalk Community Theatre for a brief two weekend spring run. But DCT has something unusual, something unique, something very Addams. The line that describes Uncle Fester in this musical, “what could a fat bald person of no specific sexuality know about love?” And DCT has taken a leap on that line,

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Move Toward the Darkness: Part 7 Meet Gomez Addams

It’s family first and family last and family by and by! When you’re an Addams? You do what Addams’ do or die! Finishing out the Move Toward the Darkness interviews, we bring the series to a close with the patriarch of the family, Gomez Florencia Addams. Toby’s Co-Artistic Director is back to the stage after nearly a year’s acting hiatus and is loving every minute of what this creepy and kooky papa character has to offer.

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Review: Shrek at Charm City Players

It’s a big bright beautiful world, with possibilities everywhere— including the Charm City Players as they mount their spring musical production of Shrek. The big green ogre and all his friends from the original DreamWorks animated feature movie are coming to the CCP stage all spring long. Directed by Stephen Napp with Musical Direction by Kathryn Weaver, this musical party is showing that traditional fairytales are indeed overrated. The Books and Lyrics by David Lindsay-Abaire and Music by Jeanine Tesori reminds theatergoers everywhere to wave your freak flag and to wave it proud.

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Move Toward the Darkness: Part 5 Meet Wednesday and Lucas

A secret in the house: a girl, a boy, a ring! Wednesday’s growing up— she’ll be Thursday before you know it! And she’s got herself a secret! His name Lucas Beineke and he comes from the “Normies.” Watch out, Addams family, there’s a whole lot of normal coming your way! In Part 5 of “Move Toward the Darkness” we sit down with MaryKate Brouillet and AJ Whittenberger to psychoanalyze the deep dark hole that is the love between Wednesday Addams and Lucas Beineke.

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Review: Shrek at The Suburban Players

Let your freak flag wave! Let your freak flag fly! And it’s waving high and proud over at the St. Demetrio’s Suburban Players as they celebrate their 40th season with a production of Shrek the musical! Directed by John Desmone, this fairytale masterpiece has a happy ending for everyone who comes to see it. A truly remarkable production, the Suburban Players are getting their happily ever after on and it’s a giddy delight.

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‘Story of My Life: The Freak Flag Chronicles’ at Toby’s ‘Shrek’: Part 1: Heather Beck (Gingy)

Let your freak flag wave! Let your freak flag fly! Never take it down, never take it down and raise it way up high! For everyone at the Toby’s Dinner Theatre production of Shrek the musical to come and see! That’s right, folks! We’re hitting the swamp and the city of Duloc to uncover the truth behind these fairytale creatures! In a brand new interview series entitled ‘Story of My Life: The Freak Flag Chronicles’ we’ll venture into the story of six of Shrek’s characters and find out what life is all about in the land of unusual fairytales!

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‘Shrek’ at Toby’s Dinner Theatre

Once upon a time there was a little place called Toby’s Dinner Theatre that was nestled in the wooded highlands of Columbia, Maryland. And during their 35th year they decided to mount a little musical called Shrek. It was a pretty impressive musical, with Music by Jeanine Tesori and Book and Lyrics by David Lindsay Abaire. Fairytales, well you’ve never heard or seen one quite like this, but there’s a freak flag to wave for everyone at this up-tempo,

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