Articles Tagged With: Steve Goldklang

Room Service at Vagabond Players đź“· Shealyn Jae Photography

Room Service at Vagabond Players

There’s a screw loose in this theatre! (And damn skippy if it isn’t ever in the doorknob! IYKYK!) And holy heck and go-ta-war, if the Vagabond Players aren’t determined to find it with their current production of Room Service, directed by Steve Goldklang. Making its return to the Vagabonds’ stage (it appeared April and May of 2013 as a part of their 97th season!) with the same director but a brand new cast,

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Stephen Deininger (left) as Father Flynn and Lynda McClary (right) as Sister Aloysius in Doubt, a Parable at Vagabond Players ???? Shealyn Jae Photography

Doubt, a Parable at Vagabond Players

Innocence is only wisdom in a world without evil. But why is it we are so quick to believe that of which we are not certain? Why are we so quick to judge? The most innocent interaction can see seem sinister to a poisoned mind. Why do we let our minds be primed so readily with poison? In a striking and evocative drama now appearing on the Vagabond Players’ stage as the penultimate production of their 108th season,

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Review: 10x10x10 at Fells Point Corner Theatre

Ten actors. Ten plays. Ten minutes. One stage. It’s happening right now in a theatre near you— the Fells Point Corner Theatre, to be exact. Appearing as a new revision to their annual tradition of a 10-minute play festival, this year four directors take ten actors across the course of ten different ten-minute one-act plays. Polished, poignant, and perfectly humorous, this bundle of shorts is perfectly palatable for those who prefer their theatre in quippy clips and devourable morsels.

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Review: Cock at Fells Point Corner Theatre

Gay. Straight. They’re just words, aren’t they? Why should it matter what you sleep with, shouldn’t the focus be on with whom you sleep? In a riveting and provocative production of Mike Bartlett’s Cock, the Fells Point Corner Theatre begs the question of sexual persuasion and its correlation to identity. Primed to spark a discussion, this engaging and somewhat shocking drama Directed by Steve Goldklang delivers high-octane intense scenes of emotional turmoil,

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The Enlightening of Billie Dawn: An interview with Anne Shoemaker

Gin! When a woman sets her mind to it, she can accomplish great things, like beating Harry Brock at gin rummy for example. In a TheatreBloom exclusive interview, we sit down with Baltimore area actress Anne Shoemaker to discuss her first major lead role in Born Yesterday at Vagabond Players.

If you could give us a little introduction and familiarize the readers with who you are and what you’ve been up to as of late,

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Review: Born Yesterday at Vagabond Players

Money talks. And in a city of few secrets and much chat it’s easy to see that Washington DC hasn’t changed in 70 years. The world can only be as good as the people in it, and the same goes for a play. Fortunately at the Vagabond Players, the talent thriving within the confines of Garson Kanin’s Born Yesterday is stellar, making the production a smashing success. Directed by Steve Goldklang,

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Review: Seminar at Fells Point Corner Theatre

Fiction is fiction. The type of truth that fiction is sets a bomb off in your soul and Fells Point Corner Theatre is busy setting off emotionally and comically charged bombs galore in their production of Theresa Rebeck’s Seminar. Directed by Steve Goldklang, the biting wit of Rebeck’s esoteric literary comedy lands with grand aplomb just in time to shake up the scene for the holiday season. Not your typical Santaland story or in any way,

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