Articles Tagged With: Xander Bell

The Wizard of Oz (Youth Edition) at Children’s Playhouse of Maryland

Follow the yellow brick road. Follow the yellow brick road? Follow the yellow brick road! Tra-la-la-la-la— follow the yellow brick road! And you too can be off to see The Wizard of Oz (youth edition) at Children’s Playhouse of Maryland this merry month of March. Appearing as the penultimate production in their 2024/2025 season, The Wizard of Oz (youth edition) will take you on a familiar journey down that yellow brick road as Dorothy,

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Charlie and The Chocolate Factory at Children's Playhouse of Maryland 📸 Imani McMillan

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory at Children’s Playhouse of Maryland

There’s so much time so little to do! Wait a minute… strike that! Reverse it! Make some time and find your way to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory at Children’s Playhouse of Maryland this December! The reimagined Roald Dahl classic is now appearing in all its darkly delicious and devious glory on the CPM stage as their winter offering for the 2024/2025 season! Directed by Liz Boyer Hunnicutt with Musical Direction by Charlotte Evans (and live percussion musician Lisa Wood) and Choreography by James Hunnicutt,

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Bye Bye Birdie at Children’s Playhouse of Maryland

Kids! You can talk and talk til your face is blue! Kids! But they still do just what they want to do! And they want to be laughing, singing, dancing, grinning— sensations! And while we’re on the subject— Kids! They’re at Children’s Playhouse of Maryland kicking off the 2024/2025 season with their production of Bye Bye Birdie! Complete with lots of moonlight swims and loop-da-loops! Directed by Liz Boyer Hunnicutt with Musical Direction by Charlotte Evans,

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Mean Girls at Children's Playhouse of Maryland

Mean Girls (High School Edition) at Children’s Playhouse of Maryland

Plastic, glitter, and rhinestones don’t shine like these stars do! And Children’s Playhouse of Maryland is closing out their 2023/2024 season with some of the shiniest stars around with their production of Mean Girls (High School Edition). It’s so phenomenal— IT’S FETCH!! Directed by Liz Boyer Hunnicutt, with Musical Direction by Charlotte Evans, and Choreography by Rachel Miller, this fabulous and cautionary tale is an extraordinary way to end their season and showcases some of the area’s brightest and most talented stars making their way out into the theatrical universe one twinkle at a time.

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Neverland: A New Musical at Children’s Playhouse of Maryland

What if you can’t remember the last time you were able to let go, have fun, and just be yourself? Well isn’t that exactly what theatre is for? A place to let go, have fun, and just be yourself! And Children’s Playhouse of Maryland has always been that place for all of the up-and-coming theatrical talents that pass through their doors over in Essex. Celebrating the holiday season with a very special, brand-new-production (written and conceived by their musical director and her father) Children’s Playhouse of Maryland is thrilled to present Neverland: A New Musical.

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Jesus Christ Superstar at Children's Playhouse of Maryland

Jesus Christ Superstar at Children’s Playhouse of Maryland

Sing out for yourselves for you are blessed! Blessed to hear the stellar talent performing live on stage for the final production of the Children’s Playhouse of Maryland 2022/2023 season. Closing this season with a bang, their production of Jesus Christ Superstar is nothing short of stunning; it will give you chills, bring tears to your eyes, and make you thunder with applause by the time the show reaches its conclusion. Directed by Liz Boyer Hunnicutt,

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(L to R) JacQuan Knox as Alice Russell, Parker Bailey Steven as Lizzie Borden, Caitlin Weaver as Emma Borden, and Siobhan Beckett as Bridget Sullivan in Lizzie. Photo: Shealyn Jae Photography

Lizzie at Guerrilla Theatre Front

In the house of Borden, there’s a lock on every door. And a
story with those 40 whacks— here’s your chance to learn much more! About Lizzie
Borden— more than just the creepy nursery rhyme about the girl who gave her folks
40-ish whacks with an axe to do them in. Guerrilla Theatre Front is putting up Lizzie
as their fall offering to the musical theatre community and it’s a stellar
show. Directed by Greg Bell with Musical Direction by Megann Baldwin,

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Seussical at The Heritage Players

It’s most certainly definitely a sweltering summer!

But please, oh please, don’t let the weather be a bummer!

Because there are so many things you can think if you try!

Like a production of Seussical that you shouldn’t pass by!

Why, it’s The Heritage Players offering up their zany summer show!

And it’s a pretty darn good one, take it from me— I should know!

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